Frigidity in Woman In Relation to her Love Life. Volume II only. Authorised English Version by James S. Van Teslaar.
Third Printing. New York, Horace Liveright, 1929. 22.3cm x 14.7cm. vii, (2) 314 pages. Original Hardcover with gilt lettering on spine. Excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear. Ex-libris label on pastedown.
Includes for example the following chapters: The Struggle of the Sexes/ The will to power and the will to submission/ Imperiousness vs. craving enjoyment/ The charm of distance/ Fear of the sexual partner/ Flight from sexuality/ Sexual anaesthesia as a form of vengeance after humiliation/ Lucka’s three phases of erotism/ The pathway through spirituality/ Increase in the polar tension between man and woman/ Attraction and repulsion/ The indifferent zone between hatred and love/ Spiritual ‘cocainization’/ Amnesia for the occurences during coitus/ Self-deception regarding the advent of the orgasm/ Analysis of a transitory dyspareunia/ Relationship between the psyche and menstruation/ Enaesthesia of the mucous membranes/ Fear of snakes/ Stereotypic dreams/ Inadequate mourning after mother’s death/ Dream analyses/ Signs of anal erotism/ Fixation on the father/ Globus hystericus/ Struggle for supremacy among the erogenous zones/ Significance of an infantile trauma as a warning/ The Analysis of Messalina/ Role of the physician in the patient’s fantasy/ Dizziness and its psychogenesis/ Mother’s educational blunders/ Death wishes against the mother/ Fragment Analysis of a Transvestite/ The girl dressed as a boy/ First marital coitus/ Yearning for ‘respectability’/ Compulsive thoughts/ Disgust over the menstrual function/ Fear of the chamber pot/ Narcissism/ Consequences of the splitting of the personality/ Hatred of children/ Repression of infantile experiences/ Fox fantasy/ The caricature of modern woman/ Will to submission/ Revolt against double standard of morals/ Marriage lottery/ Double love/ Significance of monogamous marriage/ Struggle for the freedom of love/ The marriage problem in modern literature/ Prisoners’ love/ French women/ Dread of childbearing/ Increase of homosexuality and its significance/ Mothers who hate their children/ Oppenheim on misopaedia/ Unwanted children/ Woman of the future/ Fundamentals of individual morality/ Problem of marriage/ Unfettered love/ Inner sense of freedom etc.
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