Salmon. The World’s Most Harassed Fish. Editor: Colin Willock.
London, Andre Deutsch, 1980. 22.4cm x 14.6cm. 304 pages. With plates and 24 figures. Original Hardcover with original illustrated dustjacket. In protective Mylar. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. A Survival Book.
Includes for example the following chapters: Marine or Freshwater Species?/ Unravelling the Mysteries/ Life Cycle/ Salmon Culture/ Species Transplantation/ Great Britain/ Irish Fisheries/ Western Europe/ The Baltic Fisheries/ Norway and Iceland/ The American Debacle/ Canada’s Atlantic Salmon/ California and Oregon/ Washington and British Columbia/ The Alaska Fishery/ Asia’s Salmon/ World Catches of Pacific Salmon, 1967-1975.
Man’s hand is against the salmon, either directly or indirectly. Its extraordinary life cycle makes it uniquely vulnerable to human interference and depredations. The nets of the commercial fishermen and the rod of the angler are but two of the hazards it has to face in its journeys up rivers that, throughout the world, have become increasingly polluted, dammed or diverted for human purposes. In this book the author deals with the Atlantic salmon, native to Europe and the eastern seaboard of North America, and with the six species of Pacific salmon, and describes the knowledge which research has yielded of their lives in the rivers of their birth and during the oceanic wanderings. He describes the growth of industry and agriculture which reduced the Atlantic salmon in the US to a token population and seriuosly depleted or exterminated them in many European rivers, and the even more spectacular and radical changes which engineers have wrought in the great rivers of the American West. He also gives an account of the Pacific salmon in Asia and New Zealand. The book also describes and discusses the various means which have been adopted to rescue the salmon from man-made disaster, artificial fish ladders, the breeding and release of salmon into waters in which they had been seriuosly depleted and others (for example, the American Great Lakes) where they have never existed. This is a complet and authoritative survey of the status of one of the world’s most extraordinary- and delicious- fish and the means which can be taken to preserve it both as a resource and as a source of food and sport.
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