West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Jonson, Poetaster.

Jonson, Ben / Cain, Tom (Editor).

Poetaster. The Revels Plays.

Manchester / New York, Manchester University Press, 1995. 13.5 cm x 21.5 cm. XV, 304 pages. Three black and white plates Original Softcover. Very good+ condition with only minor signs of external wear. Plate No.1 entitled “Heroic Virtue (Hercules) treads down Envy. Christoffel Jegher, woodcut after Peter Paul Rubens, Modello for Banqueting House ceiling”. Plate No.2 of the title page of the first edition of poetaster (1602). Plate No.3 “From Q, sig. FIV and F, sig 2c2v”.

“Jonson contrasts Augustus’ wise rule with an English polity dominated (like the stage) by malice, intrigue and envy. In a clear and closely argued introduction to this new edition, Tom Cain examines these different strands so skillfully interwoven by Jonson and argues for a reassessment of Poetaster as one of the most ideologically interesting of all early modern plays.” (preface)

Complete with explanitory notes and glossary of classical references.

EUR 50,-- 

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Jonson, Poetaster.
Jonson, Poetaster.
Jonson, Poetaster.