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17th Century (60 items)

Sir Edward Coke - Reports

8. Coke, Sir Edward.

La Neufme Part [1613 – First Edition] / [et La Dixme Part – 1629 – ] / [et La Unzme Part – 1631] des Reports de Sr. Edw. Coke Chivalier, chiefe Justice del Banke : des divers Resolutions & Jugements donez sur solennes arguments & avec grand deliberation & conference des tresreverend Juges & Sages de la Ley, se cases en Ley queux ne fueront unques resolus ou adivges par devant : Et les raisons & causes des dits Resolutions & Jugements. Publie en la dixiesme [et unziesme / et troisiesme] an de treshaut & tresillustre Jaques Roy Dengleterre, France, & Ireland, & Escosse le 46. Le founteyne de toute Pietie & Justice, & la vie de la Ley.

Three Volumes in One. [London], [A. Islip], Printed for the Societie of Stationers [Neufme Part et Dixme Part] / Printed by the Assignes of John More, Esquire [Unzme Part], 1613 / 1629 / 1631. Quarto (19.5 cm x 27.5 cm). Collation complete: La Neufme Part: [34], 286, [1 unnumbered] pages / La Dixme Part: [54], 291 pages / La Unzme Part: [10], 100 pages. Original 17th century full leather on five raised bands with modern spinelabel and new endpapers. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. Minor damage to upper spine and a very minor sign of a faded dampstain to small region of the upper bookblock. Interior beautiful and clean with all three titlepages intact. Extremely beautiful condition of this early set of three Volumes of Coke’s Reports. This is the french edition of Coke’s Reports with all three prefaces in English and Latin, the main text is in ‘Law-French’ and Latin. Contemporary manuscript-signature/entry of the preowner, one “Lionel Holle”.

EUR 1.800,-- 

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