West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Kay, The Complete Book of Duplicate Bridge.

Kay, Norman / Silodor, Sidney / Karpin, Fred.

The Complete Book of Duplicate Bridge.

New York, Barnes and Noble Books, 1972. 13.5 x 21 cm. XIII, 496 pages. Original Softcover. Good condition with some signs of external wear. Small bookplate on inside front cover. Edges bumped.

Includes for example the following chapters: The Mechanics of Duplicate Bridge / Scoring the Duplicate Bridge / The Approach to Duplicate Bridge / The Strategy of Duplicate Bridge: The Bidding / Prologue to Obstructionist Bidding / Pre-emptive Opening Bids / The Overcall / Reopening Bids by the Defensive Side / Conventional Doubles / The Approach to Defense at Match-Point Play etc.

EUR 30,-- 

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We ship per DHL Express

Kay, The Complete Book of Duplicate Bridge.
Kay, The Complete Book of Duplicate Bridge.
Kay, The Complete Book of Duplicate Bridge.