West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Möller, Philosophieren über den Krieg.

Möller, Hans-Georg / Wohlfart, Günter. (Editors).

Philosophieren über den Krieg. War in Eastern and Western Philosophies.

Berlin, Parerga, 2008. 21 cm x 13 cm. 212 pages. Original Softcover. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. From the library of philosopher Graham Parkes. [Reihe für Asiatische und Komparative Philosophie. Neue Folge]

Includes for example the following essays: Karl-Heinz Pohl – Kung-fu Musings on the Philosophical Background of Chinese Martial Arts / Richard John Lynn – Views Of War As Seen in the Zhuangzi as Interpreted by Guo Xiang / Sonja Arntzen – A Terrible Beaty. The Death of a Young Warrior in the Tale of the Heike etc etc.

EUR 60,-- 

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Möller, Philosophieren über den Krieg.