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Yarwood, The Encyclopaedia of World Costume.

Yarwood, Doreen.

The Encyclopaedia of World Costume.

London, B.T. Batsford Ltd, 1978. 27,5 cm x 22,5 cm. 471 pages. With many black-and-white illustrations throughout book. Original Hardcover. From the library of dutch fashion designer Frans Molenaar. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. Dedication inscribed in front.

Includes for example the following chapters: Ballet dress / Blouses / Buff coat or jerkin / Chadar, chadri, carsaf, burka, izar / Children’s costume up til 1600 / Coats / Collars / Doublet, gambeson, gipon, pourpoint, jerkin / Fashion designers / Gowns / Jewish dress / Lace / Litham / Necklaces / Petticoats / Scandinavian dress / Shoes / Sleeves / Suspenders / Turkish dress / Welsh dress etc etc.


Yarwood, The Encyclopaedia of World Costume.