The Garden.
London, Thames and Hudson, 1991. 15.5 cm x 34 cm. 336 pages. Original hardcover with original dustjacket in protective Mylar. Excellent condition with only very minor signs of external wear.
Includes for example the following essays: Islamic Gardesn / Medieval European Gardens / Gardens of The East / Mogul Gardens / French Formality / american Style / The Diversity of Plants / The Nursery Trade / Garden Design / Garden Ornament and Furniture / Cottage Gardens / Giverny: Monet’s Garden / Hidcote / “Japanese” Gardens / Mediterranean Gardens / Chateau de Courances / Topiary Gardens / Roof Gardens / The Soil / Propagation / Pruning / Pests and Diseases / Gardening Under Glass / Hydroponics /Appendix 1: Garden Conservation / Appendix 2: Gardening Organizations etc.
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