The Law of Love: English Spirituality in the Age of Wyclif.
Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1988. 15.5 cm x 23 cm. X / 404 pages with many illustrations. Original softcover with plastic cover. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. Slight scuffing on page edges.
Includes for example the following: Richard Rolle, The Amending of Life / William Herebert, All Glory, Laud and Honor / John Grimestone, Gold and Al This Werdis Wyn / James Ryman, Revert, Revert / John Trevisa, God Me Speed / Walter Hilton, On Meditation from The Ladder of Perfection / Catherine of Siena, The Orcherd of Syon / Bridget of Sweden, The Revelations / Julian of Norwich, The Showings / Margery Kempe, The Book of Margery Kempe / Sir John Clanvowe, The Two Ways / Nicolas Bozon, Christ’s Chivalry / Geoffrey Chaucer,Gentilesse / Jon Mirk, from The Festial / John Wyclif, from The Authority of Sacred Scripture / John Purvey, from The Prologue to the Wycliffite Bible, In Defense of Translating Scripture etc.
″David Lyle Jeffrey has provided an extensive historical introduction at the outset of the volume and has endeavored to offer as broadly representative a sampling of devotional writing in the period as possible. The resulting collection affords an introduction to spirituality in Wyclif’s day that is both faithful and accessible. Contemporary readers will be able to acquire a sense of strong linkage between this period and our own and yet recognize differences of emphasis that offer a challenge to our reflection on matters of faith and life.” (Publisher)
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