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[Mayo, The Belderrig Curragh and Its People.

[Mayo – Belderrig] Mac Conamhna, Breandán.

The Belderrig Curragh and Its People. Curach Dhún Chaocháin Agus a Muintir.

First edition. Sligo, The Institute of Technology, 2010. 31 x 22 cm. X, 139 pages and 73 illustrations. Original Hardcover with original dustjacket in protective collector’s mylar. Excellent, close to new condition. Extremely rare !!

Summary: The Belderrig curragh (curach Dhun Chaochain in Irish) was a unique curragh type use exclusively on the north of Mayo coast from 1860-1960. At 23 foot long it was one of the largest curraghs in use on the west coast during the era of the curragh.

Uniquely among modern curraghs it had a crew of five, was steered by a hempls, and each oarsman rowed a single 26ft. oar. The Unique rowing and steering skills were developed by the curragh fishermen of North of Mayo Coast gave the Berderrig curragh the nost sophisticated system of propulsion and control of any curragh.

This book tells the story of the belderrig curragh and the communities for whom it have the main fishing vessel for over 100 years, in Gaeilge as well as English.

EUR 180,-- 

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Mac Conamhna, The Belderrig Curragh and Its People.