West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Robbe-Grillet, Ghosts In The Mirror.

Robbe-Grillet, Alain.

Ghosts In The Mirror. Translated from the French by Jo Levy.

Uncorrected Proof. New York, Grove Weidenfeld, 1991. 13.5 x 21cm. (11), 174 pages. Original softcover. Excellent condition.

Rejecting the usual approach in autobiographical writing of presenting a life as “a quasi-historical narrative . . . arranged in a causal sequence,” Robbe-Grillet ( Last Year at Marienbad ) instead views this first volume of memoirs as a process of “continua lquestioning” by a “resolute, ill-equipped, imprudent explorer.” In the volume at hand, the process concerns the literary, psychological and personal. Among Robbe-Grillet’s literary preoccupations are the influence of Camus’s The Stranger on himself and a generation of writers, and his own role as an “objective novelist”; among the psychological, his sexual preference for young girls; among the personal, his wife and their marriage of four decades. And, like all who lived through it, Robbe-Grillet was marked forever by WW II: after the Liberation, his″personal relations with order underwent a profound change” as he learned of “the whole dark horror that was the hidden face of National Socialism.” Alternately analytical, emotional, distant and arch, the book is true to Robbe-Grillet’s view of reality. [From Publishers Weekly]

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Robbe-Grillet, Ghosts In The Mirror.