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Library Set Rare (19 items)

Joseph Addison / Richard Steele - The Spectator [Rare Dublin Edition, 1778]

1. Addison, Joseph / Steele, Richard.

The Spectator [This is the Rare Dublin Edition with Bookseller-Label of T. Connolly (Dublin)]. [With Frontispiece – Illustrations by Pierre-Alexandre Aveline, Jacques Philippe de Bas and Francis Hayman].

8 Volumes (complete set). Dublin, Printed for W.Wilson, 1778. Small Octavo. Volume I: Frontispiece, VI, 325 pages plus 14 unnumbered pages of an Index (includes the notable essay “Inkle and Yarico” (Spectator 11) / Volume II: Frontispiece, IV, 336 pages plus 6 unnumbered pages of an Index / Volume III: Frontispiece, IV, 314 pages plus 10 unnumbered pages of an Index / Volume IV: Frontispiece, VI, 303 pages plus 9 unnumbered pages of an Index / Volume V: Frontispiece, III, 301 pages plus 11 unnumbered pages of an Index / Volume VI: IV, Frontispiece, 305 pages plus 19 unnumbered pages of an Index / Volume VII: Frontispiece, V, 333 pages plus 9 unnumbered pages of an Index / Volume VIII: Frontispiece, VIII, 300 pages plus 12 unnumbered pages of an Index [includes the Bookseller’s copyright-warning to the Reader that “no other Papers which have appeared under title of Spectator, since the closing of this eighth Volume, were written by any of those Gentlemen who had a hand in this or the former Volumes”. Hardcover / Original 18th century full leather. All Volumes firm and with some stronger rubbing (no broken spines or weak hinges). Binding of all eight Volumes look overall poor, with spinelabels missing or broken. Interior in excellent condition with some occasion faded dampstains but overall no browning and all the frontispieces in place. The Dublin Edition comes rarely to the market !

EUR 380,-- 

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[Pope's Homer] The Iliad of Homer / The Odyssey of Homer / The Works of Pope

7. [Homer] / Pope, Alexander [with William Broome and Elijah Fenton].

[Pope’s Homer] The Iliad of Homer / The Odyssey of Homer / [Stunning 18th century set of all 20 Volumes of Pope’s Works in their original, contemporary bindings with 26 full-page-engravings plus 1 large, folded Map of Greece, 1 large, folded illustration of the Battle of Troy, 1 folded illustration of Achilles Shield as well as 84 text-vignettes illustrating the Iliad and Odyssey / The engravings also include a frontispiece – portrait of Alexander Pope after a painting of Jean-Baptiste van Loo]. The set of Pope’s Homer is followed by “The Works of Pope – In Nine Volumes, Complete. With his last corrections, additions and Improvements: Together with the Commentary and Notes of his Editor”.

20 Volumes (complete set of Pope’s Homer and Pope’s Works). London, Charles Rivington / A.Millar and others, 1760 – 1766. Octavo (14 cm x 21 cm). Collation of Pope’s Homer and Pope’s Works follows here: Collation of Pope’s Homer: Volume One includes: an Essay on Homer by Pope, Book I and Book II of the Iliad with two Frontispiece – illustrations, CLI, 175 pages with five Text-Vignettes and one folded map of Greece [and “Phrygia” / Kingdom of Muska] / Volume Two includes: An Essay on Homer’s Battles, Book II – Book VII of the Iliad, 341 pages with five Text-Vignettes and with a stunning, folded map of Troy and the battlefield: “Troja cum Locis pertingentibus” / Volume Three includes: Book VIII to Book XII of the Iliad with ten Text-Vignettes on 304 pages / Volume Four includes: Book XIII to Book XVI of the Iliad with eight Text-Vignettes on 301 pages / Volume Five includes: Book XVII to Book XXI of the Iliad with ten Text-Vignettes and a stunning, folded engraving, showing the Shield of Achilles as described in Homer’s 18th Ilias, [added is a multi-page “Observation on the Shield of Achilles”], on 287 pages / Volume Six includes: Books XXII to Book XXIV of the Iliad with five Text-Vignettes, a two-page Epilogue for the Iliad by Alexander Pope [dated 1720], and “A Comparison between the Games of Homer and Virgil”, an “Index of Persons and Things”, “A Poetical Index to Homer’s Iliad”, an “Index of Arts and Sciences” with “a View of Homer’s Theology” [outlined in the Index are also Music, Geography, Physick, Military Art Astronomy, Architecture, Gymnastics, Agriculture and Rural Arts, Policy, Oratory etc.], on 212, [75], pages including the sectioning of Allegorical Fables in Homer, Allegorical and Fictitious Persons in Homer, The Marvellous or Supernatural Fictions in Homer, Characters of the Gods of Homer, as acting in the Physical or Moral capacities of those Deities [Jupiter, Juna, Apollo, Mars, Minerva, Venus, Neptune, Vulcan], Characters of the Heroes Achilles and Aeneas, Agamemnon, Ajax, Diomed, Hector, Idomeneus Menelaus, Nestor, Priam, Paris, Patroclus, Sarpedon, Ulysses and much more // Volume VII [being Volume One of The Odyssey]: Includes “A General View of the Epick [sic] Poem and of the Iliad and Odyssey, extracted from Bossu” and Book I to Book IV of the Odyssey with eight Text-Vignettes and some minor wormhole-damage decreasing from the titlepage to the end of the Volume, 240 pages / Volume VIII [being Volume Two of the Odyssey]: Includes Book V to Book IX of the Odyssey with nine Text-Vignettes on 272 pages / Volume IX [being Volume Three of the Odyssey]: Includes Book X to Book XIV of the Odyssey with nine Text-Vignettes on 316 pages / Volume X [being Volume Four of the Odyssey]: Includes Book XV to Book XIX of the Odyssey with eight Text-Vignettes on 277 pages with a faded dampstain to the core of the lower book-block / Volume XI [being Volume Five of the Odyssey]: Includes Book XX to Book XXIV of the Odyssey with an Epilogue [″Postscript”] by Alexander Pope, an Index to the Odyssey and an Addenda: “Homer’s Battle of the Frogs and Mice – by Mr.Archdeacon Parnel, corrected by Mr.Pope” with eight Text-Vignettes on 280, [20], 28 pages [one layer ever so slightly loosened, but still attached to the book-block// Collation of Pope’s Works: Volume I includes: Juvenile Poems / Pastorals etc. with Frontispice, Advertisement, Preface, [XLV], 288 pages with an additional two plates [Engravings for “Windsor Forest” and “The Rape of the Lock”] Faded dampstain to the illustration for “The Rape of the Lock” / Volume II includes: Pope’s Translations and Imitations, 272 pages with four plates, illustrating “Eloisa to Abelard”, “The Temple of Fame”, “January and May”, “The Wife of Bath” / Volume III includes: Moral Essays, Essays on Man and Essay on Satire, 362 pages, illustrated with eight plates of which one is detached and loosely inserted in its dedicated space verso page 203 / Volume IV includes: Satires and Epistles of Horace imitated, Satires of Dr.John Donne, etc., 336 pages, illustrated with three plates / Volume V includes the Dunciad in Four Books with a Frontispiece and five additional engravings (of which one engraving only covers half a page), 345 pages plus 14 pages of an Index / Volume VI includes Pope’s Miscellaneous Pieces in Verse and Prose, [including his Prefaces to Homer and Shakespeare], with 407 pages and one engraving faded dampstain to lower bookblock) / Volume VII includes the first Volume of Alexander Pope’s Letters, XXXII, 367 pages / Volume VIII includes the second Volume of Alexander Pope’s Letters, XI, 280 pages / Volume IX includes the third [and last] Volume of Alexander Pope’s Letters [including the 88 (!) letters to and from Jonathan Swift] XV, 372 pages //. Original Hardcover / 18th century full calf with gilt lettering and ornament on spine. Condition of the eleven Volumes of Pope’s Homer: An original set of all eleven volumes of Homer with their original patina, unaltered in 18th-century-condition and with very few Volumes with minor damage to the spines and some of the leather slightly rubbed and minimally loosened from the boards. Minor, faded dampstain to one Volume and decreasing wormhole-damage to one other Volume. All Volumes firm with one layer inside the Odyssey ever so slightly loosened. All illustrations, maps, folded engravings and allegorical Text-Vignettes within Pope’s Homer present and in excellent condition. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. / Condition of the additional set of nine Volumes of Pope’s works: Overall very good with all Volumes firm but two Volumes with some minor damage to the spines (Volumes I and IV). Occasionally some dampstaining in three of the nine Volumes but overall this nine volume-set of Poepe’s works is in still very good- condition with some pages being a little dusty and only one of the 24 engravings/ illustrations detached and loosely inserted. One of the rare opportunities to buy Alexander Pope’s Homer and collected works in an entire, original 18th century private library-set. From the collection of Daniel Conner, with his Exlibris / Bookplate to the pastedown //

EUR 4.800,-- 

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Hulot, La Géographie - Bulletin de la Société de Géographie

8. Hulot, Le Baron / Rabot, Charles.

La Géographie – Bulletin de la Société de Géographie. Tome I – Tome XXIX (29 Tomes / 29 Volumes). Collection of 29 Volumes comprising of the complete set from the year 1900 until the year 1913. Each year has two half-year volumes (Semestre) with many large fold-out maps in colour. [With very interesting original articles in first edition: Fanny Bullock-Workman – Exploration du Nun-Kun / Roald Amundsen – Vers le Pole magnetique boreal par le passage du Nord-Ouest / Charles Rabot – Le desastre de l’expedition Robert Falcon Scott etc.]

Paris, Masson et Cie, 1900. Quarto. Tome I – 1er Semestre 1900 (506, 2 pages with 31 maps) / Tome II – 2e Semestre 1900 (528 pages with 26 maps) / Tome III – 1er Semestre 1901 (574, 6 pages with 30 maps) / Tome IV – 2e Semestre (487 pages with 13 maps) / Tome V – 1er Semestre 1902 (503, 2 pages) / Tome VI – 2e Semestre 1902 (436 pages) both Volumes with many maps and gravures and photographs) / Tome VII – 1er Semestre 1903 (487, 1 pages) / Tome VIII – 2eme Semestre1903 (420 pages plus an appendix “Liste des Membres Decembre 1903” (47 pages that list hundreds of members like Henry Morgan Stanley, Fridtjof Nansen, Brito Capello, Ferdinand von Richthofen etc.) Both Volumes with many maps and illustrations/ Tome IX – 1er Semestre 1904 (496 pages) / Tome X – 2eme Semestre 1904 (418 pages) Both Volumes with many maps, illustrations and photographs / Tome XI – 1er Semestre 1905 (504 pages) / Tome XII – 2eme Semestre 1905 (483 pages) Both Volumes with many maps, illustrations and photographs / Tome XIII – 1er Semestre 1906 (511 pages) / Tome XIV – 2eme Semestre 1906 (426 pages) Both Volumes with many maps, illustrations and photographs / Tome XV – 1er Semestre 1907 (495 pages) / Tome XVI – 2eme Semestre 1907 (458 pages) Both Volumes with many maps, illustrations and photographs / Tome XVII – 1er Semestre 1908 (520 pages) / Tome XVIII – 2eme Semestre 1908 (444 pages) Both Volumes with many maps, illustrations and photographs / Tome XIX – 1er Semestre 1909 (502 pages) / Tome XX – 2eme Smestre 1909 (428 pages) Both Volumes with many maps, illustrations and photographs / Tome XXI – 1er Semestre 1910 (480, 2 pages plus an appendix “Liste des Membres Decembre 1910” that list hundreds of members and also some new members like Sven Hedin and Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, Robert E. Peary etc.) / Tome XXII – 2eme Semestre 1910 (470 pages) Both Volumes with many maps, illustrations and photographs / Tome XXIII – 1er Semestre 1911 (519 pages) / Tome XXIV – 2eme Semestre 1911 (436 pages) Both Volumes with many maps, illustrations and photographs / Tome XXV – 1er Semestre 1912 (472 pages) Tome XXVI – 2eme Semestre 1912 (456 pages) Both Volumes with many maps and gravures and photographs / Tome XXVII – 1er Semestre 1913 (515 pages) / Tome XXVIII – 2eme Semestre 1913 (432 pages) both Volumes with many maps and gravures and photographs / Tome XXIX – 1er Semestre 1914 (480 pages with maps, photographs and illustrations) / Hardcover – All 29 Volumes in beautiful buckram bindings from the Alpine Club London with the Library Signet of the Alpine Club to the lower spine. Excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear. All bindings firm and unbroken. The original publishers interims brochure has been bound in and shows wonderful examples of advertisings for expeditions, camping. Advertisements from famous companies like Ponthus et Therrode – Constructeurs d’Instruments de precision successeurs de A. Hurlimann et de A. Berthelemy (Theodolites – Sextants – Cercles – Niveaux etc.) The magnificent folded maps all included. Volume 20 with minor damage to a few pages that were unopened ! A most important periodical of the early 20th century that was subscribed by nearly all of the important explorers at the time (From Shackleton and Stanley to Peary). The early discoveries colonial expeditions are all described in this periodical. This is a unique opportunity to acquire a corresponding set with the excellent provenance of the worlds oldest and still most important mountaineering club (The Alpine Club, London).

EUR 2.800,-- 

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Thomas Mann, Collection of important publications by Thomas Mann in the swedish language

10. Mann, Thomas / [Provenance: Falk Simon (Collector)].

Collection of nine (9) important publications by Thomas Mann in the swedish language. All editions in this collection are Translations from german into the swedish language, done by eminent swedish poets, writers and translators like Anders Oesterling (Österling), Anna Lamberg Wahlin and Walborg Hedberg. The collection has been beautifully rebound for swedish Bibliophile and Collector of antique Silver, “Falk Simon”, and most of the original wrappers and artwork to wrappers, has been preserved. The Exlibris of “Falk Simon” is to be found in each Volume (except “Buddenbrooks”, which has only one Exlibris) / Included are: 1. “Lille Herr Friedemann” – Stockholm, Billows, 1929. Översättning av J.G.S. / 2. “Huset Buddenbrook” – Historien om en Familjs Förfall I-II. Första Delen & Andra Delen. (Bonniers, 1937) – Översättning av Walborg Hedberg. / 3. “Underbarnet” – Översättning fran Tyskan av Karin Allardt (Stockholm, Bonniers, 1920) [Includes: Underbarnet / Tunga Timmar / Hos Profeten / En skimrande episod / Huru Jappe och Do Escobar pryglade upp varandra / Besvikelse / Tobias Mindernickel] / 4. Tonio Kröger – Översättning av Walborg Hedberg (Stockholm, Wahlstroem & Widstrand, 1922) / 5. Hans Kunglig Höghet – Översättning av Walborg Hedberg (Stockholm, Bonniers, 1910) – Name of preowner “Alfhild Söderlund – 1911” on titlepage / 6. Ockulta Upplevelser – Översättning av Anna Lamberg Wahlin / 7. Mario och Trollkarlen – Tre Noveller av Thomas Mann – Till Svenska af Anna Lamberg Wahlin (Stockholm, Bonniers, 1930) / 8. Lotte i Weimar – Roman – Översättning av Nils Holmberg (Stockholm, Bonniers, 1946) / 9. De Ombytta Huvudena – En Indisk Legend – Översättning av Anders Österling /

Stockholm,, Bonniers and others, 1910 – 1946. Octavo. More than 1800 pages. Hardcover / Decorative half leather with marbled-paper-covered-boards. With Exlibris of Falk Simon. Overall in excellent condition with some minor signs of wear only. Rare set !

EUR 1.800,-- 

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