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Catalogue Irish History Two – Origins of Irish Identity (139 items)

Joseph Addison / Richard Steele - The Spectator [Rare Dublin Edition, 1778]

87. Addison, Joseph / Steele, Richard.

The Spectator [This is the Rare Dublin Edition with Bookseller-Label of T. Connolly (Dublin)]. [With Frontispiece – Illustrations by Pierre-Alexandre Aveline, Jacques Philippe de Bas and Francis Hayman].

8 Volumes (complete set). Dublin, Printed for W.Wilson, 1778. Small Octavo. Volume I: Frontispiece, VI, 325 pages plus 14 unnumbered pages of an Index (includes the notable essay “Inkle and Yarico” (Spectator 11) / Volume II: Frontispiece, IV, 336 pages plus 6 unnumbered pages of an Index / Volume III: Frontispiece, IV, 314 pages plus 10 unnumbered pages of an Index / Volume IV: Frontispiece, VI, 303 pages plus 9 unnumbered pages of an Index / Volume V: Frontispiece, III, 301 pages plus 11 unnumbered pages of an Index / Volume VI: IV, Frontispiece, 305 pages plus 19 unnumbered pages of an Index / Volume VII: Frontispiece, V, 333 pages plus 9 unnumbered pages of an Index / Volume VIII: Frontispiece, VIII, 300 pages plus 12 unnumbered pages of an Index [includes the Bookseller’s copyright-warning to the Reader that “no other Papers which have appeared under title of Spectator, since the closing of this eighth Volume, were written by any of those Gentlemen who had a hand in this or the former Volumes”. Hardcover / Original 18th century full leather. All Volumes firm and with some stronger rubbing (no broken spines or weak hinges). Binding of all eight Volumes look overall poor, with spinelabels missing or broken. Interior in excellent condition with some occasion faded dampstains but overall no browning and all the frontispieces in place. The Dublin Edition comes rarely to the market !

EUR 270,-- 

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Philip Luckombe, The Compleat Irish Traveller [Luxury Reprint with all of Charles Smith's Illustrations of 18th century Ireland (Munster / Kerry / Waterford) in separate Folder for Framing]

88. [Luckombe, Philip / Smith, Charles].

Luxury Reprint of “The Compleat Irish Traveller” [With high quality Reproductions of the 31 original Plates of detailed Maps of County Cork in the 18th century, County Kerry in the 18th century and Waterford in the 18th century, as well as some of the earliest engravings of Irish Towns here for the first time reproduced as beautiful Artworks for framing and housed in a special, handmade Folder. The publication was just recently enlarged with a detailed, Topographical Index (July 2023)]. Complete Title: “The Compleat Irish Traveller, containing A general Description of the most Noted Cities, Towns, Seats, Buildings, Loughs &c. in the Kingdom of Ireland, Interspersed with Observations on the Manners, Customs, Antiquities, Curiosities and Natural History of that Country. With Elegant Copper Plates”. [With 31 original Plates after Charles Smith, including Frontispiece, this Reprint / Facsimile is the result of 10 years of research and purchase of three (3) original versions of the First Edition from the year 1788. The first Editions known to Inanna Rare Books all had different quantities of Plates and Maps included. This Reprint by Inanna Rare Books has been produced from an extremely clean version of the original and shows the most complete set of illustrations and XL-Size Maps and Artworks we could find in any of the original editions. The publication shows not only Maps of County Cork, County Kerry and County Waterford but also Views of Irish Cities and Towns in these Counties of the Province of Munster and besides the wonderful Historical Plan of Cork City this set also includes the very rare Plan of the “Grand Canal from Dublin to the River Shannon” (see detailed list of all the illustrations present at the end of this description)].

Luxury Limited-Edition-Reprint of the First Edition by Luckombe in 1788. Two Volumes plus extra Folder with 31 Plates reprinted as Artworks for framing. Skibbereen (County Cork), Inanna Rare Books Publishing, 1788. Octavo (13.5 cm x 21 cm). Pagination: Volume I: Frontispiece, engraved Titlepage, XXX, 189 pages plus recently published Index (July, 2023) / Volume II: Engraved Titlepage, 263 pages plus recently published Index (July, 2023). Plus large, bespoke made Folder with thirtyone (31) Reproductions of the Maps, Plans and Illustrations which usually were folded inside this publication and now for the first time have been liberated from the book and were published as the beautiful works of art they are. Textvolume: Volume I and II of the text bound in one beautiful half-leather-volume with gilt lettering on spine, bound in the style of the 18th century / Illustrations-Folder with 31 reprinted illustrations of Towns and Maps of Ireland but mainly of Munster, bound in bespoke made half-cloth with paper-covered boards and pasted Reprint of the original titlepage. Excellent, new condition. One of only 300 printed. [Inanna Rare Books – Reprint & Facsimile – Series].

EUR 2.480,-- 

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