The Works of Edmund Waller, Esq. in Verse and Prose.
First Dublin Edition. Dublin, Printed by W.G.Jones for W. and W.Smith and T.Ewing in Dame-Street, 1768. Small-Octavo. [8], LXIV, 272 pages. Hardcover / Original, 18th century full-leather with gilt lettering and ornament on spine. Binding very firm and only slightly bumped and rubbed. Overall in a very good condition with some signs of external wear. With the name “John Morrison” on the titlepage [possibly the 18th century – Architect John Morrison from Midleton, with a connection to Castlemartyr]. This book came subsequently from the Library of Daniel Conner, Connerville / Bandon / Manch House in which also a set of Buffon, from the library of Richard Boyle Bernard, Dean of Leighlin and MP for Bandon Bridge was included.
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