Collection of Books and Art with a relation to Castle Freke. Some of the books being from the historical library of Castle Freke with the original Exlibris / Bookplate / Some of the books from the libraries and private collections of relatives to the Freke Family / Some of the books by famous writer Mary Carbery, wife of Algernon [″Algy”] William George Evans-Freke, 9th Baron Carbery of Castle Freke, County Cork, Ireland, until his death in 1898. At least one book with direct connections to “Algy” Evans-Freke and Mary Carbery.
Ireland, 1811 – c. 1950 Octavo. Hardcover Editions. Find detailed descriptions and many photographs on all these titles on our website under “Library & Collections” [Castle Freke Collection”].
EUR 6.800,--