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Harry Luke – Education Chapter (25 items)

Collection of the original Report Cards for the young Harry Luke when admitted to Elstree School (near Harrow)

3. [Education of Sir Harry Luke] – [Lukach, Harry Charles / Sir Harry Luke] / Elstree School Report Cards for Harry Charles Lukach and Elstree Notes.

Collection of the original Report Cards for the young Harry Luke when admitted to Elstree School (near Harrow), wher ehe is taught, among others, by Franklyn de Winton Lushington, later Archdeacon of Malta. Seventeen (17) items, including beeautifully detailed Report-Cards for Luke, Elstree Notes for 1896 as well as a Manuscript-Letter from the Headmaster John Stogdon: “Harrow, May 23, 96 – Dear Madam, will you kindly fill out all enclosed paper. I fear I am too full to take the boy so soon, but I will consider the case with others & let you know for certiain in a day or two. Truly yours J. Stogdon”. The Report Cards show an ever improving Luke already in Form V., who gets marks from his Classical Master, Franklyn de Winton Lushington: Week 1: “Latin Prose Excellent” / Week 2: “is weak in Greek Grammar” / Week 3: “tries hard and will do well” – Form VI.: Modern Languages: “Quick and intelligent” / “In every way excellent” / Form VII (Oct. 1895): Franklyn de Winton Lushington: “Has only been with me a week – Works extreemely well + is very accurate + intelligent” / His Modern Language Tutor, Jean le Medurier, writes: “very satisfactory” – “Inclined to be too talkative, otherwise very good” / Abstract – Report of Christmas Term 1895: “I wish there would be more like him in kennness & intelligence” / “A capital worker fond of his work” [By this time Luke is already first in his class of 12 in 4 of 6 evaluations] / “In the final Summer Term 1896 his ‘Form Master’, Franklyn de Winton Lushington, writes: “Always woprked well and keenly – It has been a pleasure to teach him” //

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Harrow, Elmstree School, 1895-1896. Octavo / Quarto. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

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Fantastic Manuscript Letter on

5. [Education of Sir Harry Luke] – [Lukach, Harry Charles / Sir Harry Luke] / Ford, Lionel George Bridges Justice [Headmaster at Eton and Repton].

Fantastic Manuscript Letter on “Repton Hall – Stationery” by Lionel George Bridges Justice Ford to his former pupil, Harry Charles Lukach (later Sir Harry Luke) written just after Ford’s Italian Journey with Alington and shortly after he became Headmaster at Repton. The six-page letter is a wonderful example of the relationship of Teacher and Student and Ford writes here to Luke more like to an old friend: “My dear Lukach, I have been trying to make time to answer your nice letter, but the rush of things just at first is so great I think you will have to wai a bit unless I send you a dictated answer. Well ! I am not going to let you wait any longer. I am delighted to hear that Rev. Alington [that is Cyril Argentine Alington] tore up your copy of “M.a.P.” which was far and away the best method of dealing with that class of literary productions”. I wish I had realized that you were in Paris in the holidays, because I passed through the place on my way to and from Italy and I had some solitary hours there which I divided between Notre Dame & guess where ! Rev. Alington was with me in Italy and wore the most outrageous lay costume that I have ever been scandalised by. For all that we had a very nice time. I stood on top of Vesuvius and longed to jump into the hole to see what it was making that noise underneath. I saw Assisi the home of S.Francis & theought of your Sunday private business. I travelled along the North of L. Trasimene and wished for some of my old pupils to explain to me the details of the great battle that took place there. I saw Rome – where – as you are aware there are a good many objects of interest. And Florence ! Oh ! Florence !! The Masterpieces of Raphael & Michael Angelo and the tombs of Clough – Mrs. Browning & Landor would have made your artistic and literary mouth water. You will find Rev. Alington has a good deal of information which he is willing to impact as to Florence. He did not half appreciate the statues as compared with the pictures. Unhappy Man ! I have not told you any news about Eton [crossed out and replaced with ‘Repton’] that must wait till I come down next week. Your affectionate Tutor”.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Repton Hall / Burton on Trent, 1901. Octavo. Six pages on two sheets folded. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

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Manuscript letter by british colonial officer Claude Delaval Cobham to Harry Lukach, [later Sir Harry Luke]

9. [Education of Sir Harry Luke] – [Luke, Sir Harry] Lukach, Harry Charles / [Claude Delaval Cobham (British Colonial Official in Cyprus (Larnaca)] / [Guy le Strange (British Orientalist).

Manuscript letter by british colonial officer Claude Delaval Cobham to Harry Lukach, [later Sir Harry Luke] in which Cobham reflects on a manuscript Luke had sent him for analysis: “My dear Lukach, I return the Ms. I lent it to Guy le Strange who showed it to Ellis [possibly Sir Ellis Hovell Minns], of the B.M. [British Museum] [who are] both skilled analysts”. Cobham continues about the manuscript: “It is a kind of Hagiology, but written by a Druze – hence the [?] of the mad Khalife Hakim bin amr allah as a Saint, and spells Salih, which is a Druze Mack. There are similar Mss. in the B.M. library but Ellis [?] not a Druze one – but they are of no great interest or Value. The writing is neat and very legible….I hope you are well and enjoying yourself. I start, I think, on Thursday for Coblenz and S. Blasien [that is St. Blasien], returning at the very end of August. Yours very truly – C. Delaval Cobham”.

S. James, July 27 (no year but c.1906). Small Octavo. 2 pages filled on one bifolium / Plus Letter from British Museum to Harry Charles Lukach regarding Admission to the Reading Room (19th of July 1906). Excellent letter by British Colonial official in Cyprus, Claude Delaval Cobham. Important letter which states the early influence of Luke in his love for Cyprus because by the time this letter was written and Luke had a relationship with this important scholar, Cobham had already written the important “Excerpta Cypria”. The ALS by Cobham came with a letter by the Director of the British Museum to H.C.Lukach regarding admission to the Reading Room of the B.M.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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