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Sir Harry Luke – Personal Archive of Books and Correspondence (203 items)

[Luke, Genealogy / Family History / Newspaper - Cuttings

151. [Family History of Sir Harry Luke / Zamarski] – [Luke, Harry / Lukach, Harry / Joseph Harry Lukach (from Detroit, Michigan) / Eugenie Zamarski / Ludwig Johann Carl Zamarski (Publisher and Engraver from Vienna)].

Scrapbook with Genealogy / Family History / Large amount of Newspaper – Cuttings from the early days of J.H.Lukach’s marriage to Eugenie Zamarski in Vienna to the time of the move to New York. Including several pages of articles Harry Lukach wrote for a New York Newspaper and a wonderful postcard of the “S.S.Celtic” on which Luke travelled to his first job in New York in 1903. He writes that the Celtic is approaching Queenstown (Cobh) / Including Newspaper cuttings of Harry Luke’s father’s business with the London branch Hanover Fire Insurance Company of New York / Ephemera of The Lawrence Gas Company of Lancashire and Cheshire, Limited / Imuris Mines, Limited – Silver, Copper, Gold / Mining World / Interesting Ephemera like Calling cards and Invitation cards of New York Society extended to the Lukach family (for example calling cards of “The Metropolitan Museum of Art”, “The Manhattan Club” etc.) / Invitation by J.H.Lukach and his wife to the wedding of their daughter Lily Boys / etc. etc.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Wien / London / New York , c.1880 – 1930. Octavo. 100 pages. Hardcover. From the private collection of Eugenie Zamarski and Joseph Harry Lukach and subsequently their son: colonial official, governor, Lieutenant-Governor of Malta, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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[Luke, Significant, eight-page (8) Manuscript Letter Signed (MLS) from J.H.Luke to his son

153. [Cyprus Content] – [Luke, Sir Harry] / Pursuit of Cyprus Posting by Harry Luke / Earl Curzon of Kedleston / Foreign Office / Admiral Sir John de Robeck /.

Significant, eight-page (8) Manuscript Letter Signed (MLS) from J.H.Luke to his son, Harry Luke, while Harry was posted with Admiral Sir John de Robeck in the Mediterranean. The letter also includes two important copies of typescripts, sent to Harry Luke’s father, J.H.Luke (at the St.James’ Club, Piccadilly) from the Foreign Office (directed by Earl Curzon of Kedleston). In urgent Telegrams, Luke had asked his father to help him “to ascertain from Colonial Office if my application for Chief Secretaryship, Cyprus, is likely to be successful and telegraph reply care of High Commissioner, Constantinople, as have meanwhile received offer of Assistant Governorship, Jerusalem, to which I must reply. Would prefer Cyprus”. In a second Telegram that day (28th of July, 1920), Luke writes again to hs father: “Please ask McMahon approach Amery as to succession Stevenson”. The lengthy letter of Luke senior is of great importance because it shows the ever recurring actions of Luke’s father regarding the career-progression of Sir Harry. From other correspondence we know that Luke senior takes a huge interest in his son being promoted to a significant position. From the letter we learn about Harry Luke’s chances to get the Cyprus-Position he so very much desires and about his excellent reputation at the Colonial Office. His father also writes to Harry: “How very kind of the Admiral [de Robeck] to send you to Cyprus in a Destroyer & dispatching that nice cable to Storrs” / An additional two typescrits are dealing with Luke’s publication “Handbook of Cyprus”: Daniel MacMillan had written to the father of Luke and asked for permission to “take down the type”, “Our present stock is 370 copies”.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London, 28th of July, 1920 – 4th of August, 2024. Octavo-Bifold. 8 pages of manuscript letter, 4 pages of typescripts. From Sir Harry Luke’s personal library.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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[Luke, Papers, correspondence and ephemera from old stocks as well as J.H.Lukach's will

156. [Private Materials Sir Harry Luke] – [Black Friday 1929 / Lukach, J.H.] Consolidated Gold Fields of New Zealand / Westinghouse Bremen Gesellschaft (Germany) .

Stock Certificate / Papers, correspondence and ephemera from the estate of J.H.Lukach: Interesting letters from Westinghouse Brake & Saxby Signal Company (Sir Harry Luke has discovered that his father had shares in the Westinghouse Bremen Gesellschaft (Germany) and the several letters refer to the transfer of shares just shortly after Black Friday / Typescript of a letter by J.H.Lukach to Westinghouse, thanking him for ‘your kindness in giving me an option on 500 Shares of the Societe Anonyme Westinghouse’ / Old stocks as well as J.H.Lukach’s will including a letter from solicitor Laurence Alfred Baker (20, Copthall Avenue and Stock Exchange, London) to Harry Luke in which he urges Sir Harry Luke to destroy the certificate of the New Zealand Gold Company to prevent a query into its value cropping up again – Laurence Alfred Baker also indirectly refers to the recent crash at the stockmarket by mentioning: ‘It is most interesting, and no doubt significant, that in bad times such as these, when one might almost say that everything is falling, there is a definite and persistant demand for Consolidated Signal and Westinghouse Shares. / Also included is extensive documentation of J.H.Lukach’s estate etc. / Old IOU’s / One postcard to Harry Luke Esq. in Alt-Aussee (Austria) – from his father / One letter to Sir Harry in Kensington from a source undeciphered (1965) / Original, hungarian documentation (certificate) of the name J.H.Luke / Lease documentation of Ashley Gardens in the City of Westminster /

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London etc., c.1910 – 1930. Octavo.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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