Anton Martin Schweigaards Barndom og Ungdom, 1808-1835: Breve og Erindringer. [Letters in norwegian (″Trine″and german (″Til Pastor Koeppen”). With an Appendix with 10 chapters / Med Bilag – Including explanatory sections on Schweigaard’s earliest publications, like for example: “De la Philosophie Allemande”, Schweigaards Examination ved den juridiske Embedsexamens mudtlige Prove – 21de December 1831 / “Uddrag af Schweigaards Afhandling “De l’etat civil des femmes selon le droit de la Norvege et du Danemark” / etc.]. Udgivet af L.M.B.Aubert. Med Schweigaards Portraet og Tre Facsimiler [Breve].
Kristiania / [Christiania] / [Oslo], Mallings Boghandels Forlag, 1883. Octavo. Frontispiece – Portrait of Schweigaard by J.S. Welhaven & J.Nordhagen, XC, 222 pages plus two pages with three (3) facsimile – autograph – letters by Anton Schweigaard; including 2 Stamtavle with Genalogy of the Schweigaard – Family (from Lars Dahl (1625-1635) to Anton Martin Schweigaard). Softcover. Former library – copy from the “Historisches Seminar der Universitaet Kiel”. Portrait loosened. Name of preowner: Sigurd Gulbrandsen on endpaper.