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British Colonial History (273 items)

Wemyss, Original SIGNED Portrait of the Sir Rosslyn Wemyss with Mudrous / Mudros Papers

3. [Cyprus / Famagusta / Mudros Content] – [Wemyss, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Rosslyn / Governor of Moudros] – Lukach, Harry Charles [later Sir Harry Luke] / [Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Rosslyn Erskine Wemyss / Admiral of the Fleet Sir John Michael de Robeck].

[Collection of five items of Signed Portrait of Sir Rosslyn Wemyss and Excellent Manuscript-Letter – Exchange with Harry Lukach, later Sir Harry Luke] The collection includes: 1. Original SIGNED Portrait of Sir Rosslyn Wemyss, while Rear Admiral, Senior Officer and Governor of Moudros / Mudros / 2. Together with autographed and signed manuscript-letter by Sir Rosslyn to his friend and subordinate, Harry Lukach [later Sir Harry Luke], who obviously had sent him congratulations when Wemyss was appointed as Admiral Sir Jellicoe’s replacement in December 1917 as First Sea Lord: “My dear Lukach – it was nice of you to send me your telegram but you will realize that I haven’t looked upon my appointment as an object for congratulations, though it is none the less nice that I should receive them from my friends. I had a letter from your father the other day, who told me that he thought it was possible that you decided to get out of your present Job, & that if so I could possibly be [?] for you to do so. If you have any ideas on the subject, do write & let me know, for you may be quite sure that I shall be only too glad to do anything to help you in that direction, for as I have told you before, I think that your powers should be need in some less circumscribed area than where you are at present – All good luck – Believe me – Yours very sincerely (s o) R.E. Wemyss” (dated 5th January, 1918) / 3. Together with Harry Lukach’s answer in a manuscript letter from February 11th, 1918, on Stationery of “Famagusta Club – Cyprus”: “Dear Sir Rosslyn, I am most grateful for your letter of the 5th January, & for your kindness in thinking of me among your many preoccupations. I need scarcely assure you that I am only too anxious to [?] what Service under the Admiralty, if this were possible, as I feel that, although I have recently been given promotion inside Cyprus to the Commissionship of Famagusta, I might perhaps be of more use at present Day in Palestine, the Balkans, or Elsewhere in the Near or Middle East than here. If any Naval Mission in those theatres required someone to do work of a kind for which you thought me fitted, I do not think the CO would think of declining to second me if you were to be good enough to ask for my services, especially as I am known to you personally through having had the privilege of serving on your Staff, Yours very sincerely (so) HCLukach”. / 4. Together with a stunning Typescript-copy of Luke’s application from his post in Famagusta, Cyprus, to the Secretary of State for the Colonies on 31 October, 1918, in which Luke lists his many achievements and asks for an administrative or political appointment in Turkey or Persia “if on conclusion of peace any territories in those countries should pass under British administration or control (this typescript is written while Lukach is Commissioner of Famagusta, Cyprus and he mentions the service under Sir Rosslyn Wemyss) – Luke also includes a typescript of C.D. Fenn for the Chief Secretary to Government in the year 1916 in which the Government confirms appreciation of his valuable service in connection with the administration of Mudros. Luke kept all these items together in his collection with the scrapbook-collection of printed Mudros – Orders he received from Wemyss and de Robeck while on Mudros (see below description of item No.5).

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Mudros, Authority, c. 1918. 33,5 cm x 21,5 cm. Size of the Original Photograph Portrait of Sir Rosslyn Wemyss: Image: 14.5 cm wide x 19.5 cm high, signed in ink and mounted on board which measures 17.5 cm wide x 22.7 cm high. / The Volume with official documents counts c. 100 pages. Original Hardcover. The extremely rare photograph of Sir Rosslyn Wemyss in very good condition and beautifully signed and only with some minor signs of wear / The Mudros – Volume of official orders by Wemyss, de Robeck and Lukach with some minor staining to boards, very occasional only some foxing to pages. Otherwise in excellent condition.

EUR 28.000,-- 

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Luke, Cities And Men: An Autobiography.

6. [Autobiography Cities and Men] – Luke, Harry Charles.

[Manuscript / Working-copy (with Luke’s Exlibris) of:] Uncorrected Proof Copy of Cities And Men: An Autobiography. Volume I: The First Thirty Years (1884-1914) / This is the ultimately corrected version of Volume I, with several manuscript annotations and corrections by Sir Harry Luke in ballpen and ink but mainly with the positioning of the maps by Luke in the chapters of Volume One (all maps are sellotaped by Luke within the correct text-positions: Map of Cyprus, Map of Southern Alaska, Map of Mt. Athos, Map of “The Author’s Journey in Palestine and Syria in 1908” as well the tipped-in business-card of Dr.Albert Nissim). The Proof -copy also comes with the printed and correctly published Volumes Two and Three from Luke’s Autobiography and Volume III has the rare original Bookplate of Luke verso the endpaper: Motto: “Spero Meliora – E Libris Harrici Caroli Luke”. Three volumes.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London, Geoffrey Bles, 1953 – 1956. 22 cm x 14 cm. Volume I (Proof Working-Copy): 245 pages / Volume II: 262 pages / Volume III: (with Luke’s Exlibris / Bookplate): 254 pages plus loosely inserted an original photographic postcard of the “Tablet Placed by the Malta Government in the Bondi Palace, Gozo, to Mark Its Restoration” (this image was printed on page 97 of Volume III of Luke’s Autobiography). Original Hardcover with original dustjacket in protective Mylar. Harry Luke’s (Lukach) personal copy. With annotations and markings by Harry Luke. Good condition with some minor signs of external wear.

EUR 28.000,-- 

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Luke, Autographed Letter, signed (ALS) by Rear Admiral, Sir Arthur Bromley & Lord Chamberlain Inviation

32. [Malta Content] – Luke, Harry [then Lieut. Gov. of Malta] / Rear Admiral, Sir Arthur Bromley / George V. / Princess Elizabeth & The Duke of Edinburgh.

Autographed Letter, signed (ALS) by Rear Admiral, Sir Arthur Bromley & Lord Chamberlain Inviation, alerting Luke “Dear Mr.Luke – The Secretary of State who is acting for the Secretary of State for the Colonies during his absence in Canada would like to present you and Mrs. Luke to their Majesties the King and Queen after tea at the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on the 21st. If you intend to be present at the Garden Party will you please meet me at the north side of the Royal Tea Tent on 5 o’clock on that afternoon ?……Yours very truly A[rthur] Bromley – Rear-Admiral. Ceremonial Secretary, 14th July, 1932. / The letter was sent on July 8th, 1932, in an official envelope of the Lord Chamberlain to Luke c/o Colonial Office in Downing Street but was redirected to St.James’ Club and accompanied by an official Invitation – Card “The Lord Chamberlain is commanded by Their Majesties to invite Mr. & Mrs. H.C.Luke…..”.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. [Oxford], c.1943. Small Octavo. 1 Letter (ALS) and 2 Royal Invitation-Cards in Lord Chamberlain-Envelope. From Sir Harry Luke’s personal library. Luke added to this envelope an additional Royal Invitation-Card which was addressed to Luke in later life, by the Lord Chamberlain in July 1949 after the Lord Chamberlain was “commanded by Their Majesties [then Princess Elizabeth and her husband, Philip, Duke of Edinburgh] to invite ‘Sir Harry Luke’ to an Afternoon Party in the Garden of Buckingham Palace on Thursday 7th July, 1949, from 4 to 6 o’clock (Weather Permitting)”.

EUR 28.000,-- 

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[Luke, Collection of manuscript and printed materials regarding a genealogical research Sir Harry Luke

46. [Family History Sir Harry Luke / Zander] – [Luke, Sir Harry / Lukach, Harry] Motherby, Helene / The Society of Genealogists / Aristocratic Research of Family de Zander / Family History Zandrowitsch – Zander/.

Collection of manuscript and printed materials regarding a genealogical research for the aristocratic Family ‘Zandrowitsch – Zander’. Sir Harry Luke who was related to the Zander family was assisted by a lady from Koenigsberg in Prussia. The lady in question,Genealogist Helene Motherby from Koenigsberg, writes in a letter from April 6th, 1910 to Luke’s posting in Sierra Leone and has some excellent news regarding her research of the Zander family. The letter includes a manuscript family tree of the Zander family (Carl Lazarus von Zander etc.) / In a second letter from 23rd of October1911, Helene Motherby requested information from a Heraldic Office in St.Petersburg. The original answer was written in Russian and a translation into german is accompanying the original document in which Helene Motherby was informed that information regarding an aristocratic family can only be granted if the requestor can proof his/her aristocratic ancestry connected to the family in question. The request was in detail answered by pointing to the relevant Genealogical Offices in Livland / Estland / Gouvernement Kiew. / Helene Motherby apologizes for the ‘meager’ result and urges Sir Harry Luke to become a member of ‘The Society of Genealogists’ in London. She encloses the first quarterly report of ‘The Society of Genealogists of London’ which also lists the members (among them Fraulein Helene Motherby) and also includes two prefilled application forms for Sir Harry that would allow him to join the Society (Helene Motherby has signed both papers as a guarantor). /

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Koenigsberg, 1910 / 1911. Octavo. 4 manuscript documents (incl. Manuscript postcard from Motherby to Luke and a manuscript family tree of the Zander family) / 2 signed applications for the ‘Society of Genealogists London’ / Ephemera Statutes of the Society of Genealogists of London / Original envelope. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 28.000,-- 

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