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Collection of important and rare publications by and on american philosopher Stanley Cavell

7477. [Stanley Cavell Collection] – Cavell, Stanley [Stanley Louis Goldstein].

Collection of important and rare publications by and on american philosopher Stanley Cavell. The books in this collection originate from the personal library of Stanley Cavell, his friends Victor and Jacqueline, as well as from the library of philosopher Graham Parkes [Please see each title described and photographed in our section “Libraries & Collections” and search for “Stanley Cavell Collection”]. The collection includes: 1. Must We Mean What We Say ? – Modern philosophical essays in morality, religion, drama, music and criticism. First Edition, 1969. Signed and inscribed by Stanley Cavell / 2. Stanley Bates and Ted Cohen – More on what we say. First Edition. Chicago, Middlebury College, 1972 / 3. Cavell, Stanley – Themes out of School. Effects and Causes. San Francisco, North Point Press, 1984. Signed and inscribed by Stanley Cavell / 4. Cavell, Stanley. The World Viewed – Reflections on the Ontology of Film. New York, The Viking Press, 1971. Signed and inscribed by Stanley Cavell in the year 1971, to his friends Victor and Jacqueline / 5. [Cavell, Stanley] Oksenberg Rorty, Amélie. The Many Faces of Philosophy. Reflections from Plato to Arendt. First Edition. Oxford and others, Oxford University Press, 2003. Signed and inscribed by the Editor to Cavell. / 6. [Cavell, Stanley] – Massimo Cacciari – Architecture and Nihilism: On the Philosophy of Modern Architecture – Stanley Cavell’s personal copy with notes and annotations. / 7. [Cavell, Stanley] Desan, Wilfrid – The Tragic Finale – An Essay on the Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre – with interesting annotations and textmarkings by Stanley Cavell / 8. Cavell, Stanley. Pursuits of Happiness – the Hollywood Comedy of Remarriage. Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1981. From the librray of philosopher Graham Parkes / 9.Cavell, Stanley. The World Viewed- Reflections on the Ontology of Film. Enlarged Edition. Massachusetts, Harvard Universaity Press, 1979. From the library of philosopher Graham Parkes.

New York / Cambridge / and others, Charles Scribner’s Sons / Harper / Yale University Press / Oxford University Press / Viking Press etc., 1969-2003. Large Octavo (17 cm x 23,5 cm). XXIX, 365 pages. Hardcover / Original cloth / Softcover. All books in very good or better condition; many signed or inscribed. A rare opportunity to look into the mind of an important philosophical thinker through his annotations and notes, especially in the book on Sartre.

EUR 1.800,-- 

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[Roland Meredith Starr] / [Meher Baba] - The Way of Escape.

7487. Starr, Meredith / [Roland Meredith Starr] / [Meher Baba].

The Way of Escape.

First Edition / Original Edition. Cambridge, Published by the National Poetry Circle, [1931]. Small Octavo (12.7 cm x 18.8 cm). 15 pages. Original Softcover, stapled with cover-illustration by Meredith Starr, monogrammed in the plate “M.S. 1931”. The booklet rests loosely inside the original softcover wrappers. The staples a little rusty. Otherwise in excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear. This pamphlet is of extreme scarcity ! The last two pages of the publication are basically an advertising for the retreat center which Meredith Starr established in 1931 at East Challacombe, North Devon (a couple of miles from Combe Martin), to where he invited Meher Baba in order to come and meet westerners. In his preface, [Roland] Meredith Starr writes: “The Way of Escape” is a symbolic poem that deicts some of the complexes of modern life, particularly those responsible for the cleavage between thought and reality ! The ways of Escape, the path leading to the North, represents the attainment of synthesis (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual maturity) in a world disintegrated by analysis. Neither realism nor idealism can satisfy the needs of the present age. Both are necessary and both must be integrated in a Higher Consciousness. In this connection the remarks of Jung in “Psychological Types” concerning the symbol will repay serious investigation. A symbol is composed of elements that are both real and unreal, and hence can bridge the gulf between and illusion. In the poem this Higher Consciousness is indicated by the description of Alaska and by the utterances of Christ – not the Christ of dogmatic religion, but the living Christ of universal love and wisdom immanent in every human heart and personified by the great religious teachers of Mankind – Combe Martin, Meredith Starr”.

EUR 1.750,-- 

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Staunton - An Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China

7489. Staunton, Sir George / Lord Macartney.

An Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China [First Dublin Edition with 34 full-page-plates]; Including Cursory Observations Made, and Information Obtained, in Travelling Through That Ancient Empire, and a Small Part of Chinese Tartary. Together with a Relation of the Voyage undertaken on the Occasion by his Majesty’s Ship ‘The Lion’, and the Ship ‘Hindestan’ in the East India Company’s Service, to the Yellow Sea, and Gulf of Pekin [sic]; as well as of their return to Europe. With Notices of the several places where they stopped in their way out and home: being the Islands of Madeira, Teneriffe and St.Jago, the Port of Rio de Janeiro in South America; the Islands of St.Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Amsterdam, the Coast of Java and Sumatra, the Nanka Isles, Pulo-Condore and Cochin-China. Taken chiefly from the Papers of his Excellency, the Earl of Macartney, Knight of the Bath, his Majesty’s Embassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Emperor of China; Sir Erasmus Gower, Commander of the Expedition and other Gentlemen in the several Departments of the Embassy.

Two Volumes (complete set). Dublin, Printed for P.Wogan, R.Cross, P.Byrne and others, 1798. Octavo. Volume I: XV, 449 pages with 8 full-page plates / Volume II: XVIII, 430 pages, with 26 full-page-plates and including an Appendix. Hardcover / Original, early 19th century half leather with original spinelabels. Bindings firm and strong but rather worn. Bookplate of Richard Meade, Ballymartle, to the pastedown of Volume I. Overall in very good condition with some stronger signs of wear but with all the illustrations / engravings, called for in the Dublin Edition.

EUR 1.280,-- 

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