Hibernia Pars Australis [The rare southern half of Hondius’ Map of Ireland / Hand-colored in the 17th century by counties. Latin Text verso].
Original Copper Engraving. Amsterdam, 1630. Actual Map size: 18.5 x 13.5 inches (c. 47 cm x 33,5 cm). Actual Sheet size: 23 inches x 17 inches (c. 58 cm x c. 43 cm). Excellent condition.
This rare, early 17th century, hand-colored Map of Munster, West Cork and Kerry shows for example: (Carbery as “Carbre”)/ Kerry as “Kyry” / Mizen Head as “Myssyn Head” / Bantry as “Bantre Bay” / Fastnet Lighthouse Rock as “Fasteney” / Kilcoe as “Kylgoe” / Crookhaven as “Croke” / Glandore as “Glandorse” / Kilbrittain as “Kylbreton” / Old Head of Kynsale / Limerick as “Lymerick” / Clare with Galway Bay / Rosscarbery as “Roß” / Drimoleague as “Drenmalyn” etc. – Latin Text verso.
EUR 1.400,--
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