Louis Napoleon, the Destined Monarch of the World, and Future Personal Antichrist, Foreshown in Prophecy to Confirm a Seven Years’ Covenant with the Jews about seven years before the Millenium, and (after the Resurrection and Ascension of the Wise Virgins has taken place two years and from four to six weeks after the covenant), subsequently to become completely supreme over England and most of America and all Christendom, and fiercely to persecute Christians during the latter half of the seven years, until he finally perishes at the descent of Christ, at the end of the War of Armageddon, about or soon after 1873. Including an Examination of the Views of the Revs. G.S.Faber, Edward irving, E. Bickersteth, T. Birks, C. Maitland, D. Mc Causland, J.H.Frere, Sir E. Denny, Major Phillips, Judge Strange, Dr. Tregelles, etc.
Ninth Thousand. London, William Macintosh, 1865. Small Octavo. XIX, 383 pages. With Nine Diagrams and Two Maps. Hardcover / Original, publisher’s cloth with gilt lettering on spine. Binding a little dusty and rubbed but firm and the publication overall in very condition with only minor signs of external wear.
Includes for example the following essays: The complete drying up of the Turkish Empire, consisting partly of the separation of Syria from Turkey, within about two years after the Covenant / Renewal of the Jewish sacrifices and temple-worship at Jerusalem 2300 days before the cleansing of the Sanctuary / Complete acquirement by Napoleon of supreme power over Great Britain, and in a less degree over a considerable part of America / Division of the entire territory of the old Roman Empire into ten kingdoms: Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Austria, Greece, Egypt, Syria, the rest of Turkeyand most probably Tripoli with Tunis etc. / etc. etc.
EUR 200,--
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