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Crist, Enchiridion Geistliker Leder unde Psalmen, Magdeburg 1536.

Crist, Stephen A.

Enchiridion Geistliker Leder unde Psalmen, Magdeburg 1536. Introductory Study and Facsimile Edition by Stephen A. Crist.

Emory University, Scholars Press, 1994. Large-8°. IX, 120 pages. Original Hardcover with dustjacket. Excellent condition.

Includes: Inventory of Hymns in the Magdeburg Enchiridion / Transcription of Manuscript Hymns in the endpapers of the Magdeburg Enchiridion / Provisional List of Low German Hymnals – Printed before Luther’s Death (1546) //

EUR 78,-- 

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Crist – Enchiridion Geistliker Leder unde Psalmen, Magdeburg 1536.