La haine du désir.
Première Édition. Paris, Éditions Christian Bourgeois, 1978. 20 x 13 cm. 231 pages. Broché. Dédicace de l’auteur á Contardo [Calligaris] “Amicalement”. Bon état. Couverture et tranches jaunies. Avec jaquette protective en plastique transparente. Intérieur très frais.
Includes: Avant-Propos / Remarques sur L’Affect “Ratial” / De L’Entre-Deux-Femmes / Propos sur la Nevrose Obsessionelle / Musique a L’Un /
Daniel Sibony (né le 22 août 1942 à Marrakech au Maroc) est un philosophe et psychanalyste français. Sa famille d’origine juive habite la médina, sa langue maternelle est l’arabe dialectal marocain, sa langue d’étude est le français et il apprend, comme langue cultuelle, l’hébreu biblique.
Sa famille émigre à Paris, où il finit ses études secondaires, puis étudie les mathématiques à l’université. Il réalise en 1967 un doctorat de troisième cycle en mathématiques intitulée Travaux sur la théorie du potentiel, et réalise une carrière universitaire, devenant assistant, puis maître de conférences (1967) et enfin professeur à l’Université de Vincennes à Saint-Denis jusqu’en 2000.
En 1985, il soutient une thèse de doctorat de troisième cycle en philosophie à l’université de Paris I, intitulée « Passages de lettre » dans la tradition juive du Libre sous la direction de Jean-Toussaint Desanti.
Il se forme en psychanalyse avec Lacan, et devient psychanalyste. Ses publications concernent aussi bien la psychanalyse que la philosophie (Bergson, Heidegger, Lévinas), le judaïsme, l’islam et le conflit israélo-palestinien. Il est marié à la psychanalyste Charlotte Dudkiewicz. (Wikipedia)
Contardo Luigi Calligaris (2 June 1948 – 30 March 2021) was an Italian-Brazilian writer, psychoanalyst and dramaturg. He was a weekly columnist at Folha de S. Paulo, a daily publication regarded as a newspaper of record in Brazil.
Calligaris originally studied genetic epistemology in Switzerland under Jean Piaget. He was focused on social sciences but at the same time he completed lectures that allowed him to pursue studies in theory of literature.
He continued his literary studies in Paris with Roland Barthes, earning doctorate in linguistic semiology. During his time in Paris he became interested in psychoanalysis and also went through psychoanalysis himself, as a patient.
Still in Paris, in 1975 Calligaris became involved with the Freudian school of psychoanalysis and frequented case presentations led by Jacques Lacan. Following his interest in psychoanalysis and related studies, Calligaris became doctor of clinical psychology at the University of Provence in France. His doctoral thesis, named “The passion to become a tool”, was a study into bureaucratic personality, interpreting it as an attempt of an individual to handle their neurosis.
In the 1980s, Calligaris moved to the United States where he became professor of anthropology at the University of California in Berkeley and professor of cultural studies at The New School in New York. Calligaris’ first connection with Brazil happened in 1986 after his first psychoanalytic publication was released there.
As the author, Calligaris traveled to Brazil several times following the book release. On one of these occasions a group of psychoanalysts from São Paulo approached him and proposed he come back for fifteen days once every two months so that they can run psychoanalytic sessions together. Calligaris liked the idea and accepted.
Eventually he ended up living in Brazil permanently, continuing his academic career there. Other than that, he had been contributing weekly columns to Folha de S. Paulo since 1999 and has published several books. He died of cancer on 30 March 2021. (Wikipedia)
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