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[Heineccius, De Curia Civitatum Imperii Romani Universe et de

[Heineccius] Piaget, Eduard / Édouard Piaget / Uylenbroek, Petri Johannis.

De Curia Civitatum Imperii Romani Universe et de Vicissitudinibus instituti curiarum in Gallia Saeculis Quarto et Quinto quam annente summo numine ex auctoritate rectoris magnifici Petri Johannis Uylenbroek.

Dissertatio Juridica Inauguralis. Leiden, Zitman, 1837. 8°. 58 Seiten. Softcover / Bedruckte Papierbroschur des 19.Jahrhunderts. Unbeschnittene, sehr dekorative Originaldissertation des bedeutenden Entomologen Édouard Piaget auf gutem Papier in illustriertem Originalpappband. Stempel des Instituut ‘Noortheij’ auf dem Titelblatt. Wahrscheinlich das Referenz-Exemplar von Piaget’s Internat / ‘Boarding School’.

Es handelt sich hier um die originale Doktorarbeit. Enthält u.a.: Erravit Heineccius dicens – Si aedes restituantur in eamden formam nullum est dubium quin et ususfructus reviviscat / De curiae Magistratibus / De civitatum legatis / etc.

Édouard Piaget (3 November 1817 in Les Bayards – 10 September 1910 in Couvet) was a Swiss entomologist who specialised in lice (Phthiraptera). As a young man Piaget became a teacher of French at Mr. de Raedt’s Instituut Noorthey (nl), an upper class boarding school in the Netherlands. After obtaining a doctorate in Roman Law at Leiden University he remained in the Netherlands but did not practice law as a profession, working instead as a private tutor until 1844, when he was appointed teacher of French and History at the Gymnasium Erasmianum in Rotterdam. Later he taught at the Hogere burgerschool for secondary education in Rotterdam. In 1884, aged 67, he returned to Les Bayards to live with his sister. Piaget’s collection of lice (Pédiculines) was obtained from animals in the Zoological Gardens at Rotterdam and from skins in the Naturalis in Leiden. It was enhanced by specimens from all over the world sent for identification and description.

His entomological collection, herbarium, and library were given to the Musée d’Histoire Naturelle in Neuchâtel. Part of his collection is now in the Natural History Museum in London, with his general entomological collection still at the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle in Neuchâtel. (Wikipedia)

EUR 270,-- 

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Piaget, De Curia Civitatum Imperii Romani Universe
Piaget, De Curia Civitatum Imperii Romani Universe
Piaget, De Curia Civitatum Imperii Romani Universe