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Chomsky, The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism.

Chomsky, Noam / Herman, Edward S.

The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism – [SIGNED by Noam Chomsky].

Boston, South End Press, 1979. 8°. XVII,441 pages. Original Softcover. Excellent condition, with few minor signs of external wear only. Signed by Noam Chomsky on the titlepage. [The Political Economy of Human Rights – Volume I].

Includes the following essays: I – Introduction: Summary of Major Findings and Conclusions / II – The Pentagon-CIA Archipelago: Neo-Colonialism and the Washington Connection / The Systematic Positive Relationship between U.S.Aid and Human Rights Violations / U.S.Military and Police Aid and Training and the Spread of Fascism / The Scope and Variety of CIA Subversive Activities / The Pre-Eminence of Favorable Investment Climate / The Economic Role of Terror: Preserving and Enlarging Military, Comprador and Foreign Income Shares / Counterrevolution and the “Shakedown”-States / III – Benign Terror – The Semantics of Terror and Violence: Retail Violence as “Terror” – Wholesale Violence as Maintaining “Order” and “Security” / Benign and Constructive Terror / Post-Colonial Rot and Permanent Counterrevolution / Benign Terror: East Pakistan: Tilting towards Massacre / Burundi: “The Limitations of U.S.Power” / The Indians of Latin America: The Non-Civilized in the Way of “Progress” / East Timor: Genocide on the Sly / IV – Constructive Terror – Indonesia – Mass Examination, Investor’s Paradise / Thailand: A corrupt “Firm Base” / Repacification in the Philippines / The Dominican Republic: U.S.Model for Third World Development / Latin America: Proliferating Subfascism / The Nazi-Parallel: The National Security State and the Churches / Notes on some insecurity States in Latin America / V – Bloodbaths in Indochina: Constructive, Nefarious and Mythical / Constructive Bloodbaths in Vietnam / French and Diemist Bloodbaths / The overall U.S.assault as the primary bloodbath / Operation “Speedy Express” / The 43-Plus My Lais of the South Korean Mercenaries / Phoenix: A case study of indiscriminate “selective” Terror / The last years of the Thieu Regime / Nefarious and Mythical Bloodbaths: Revolutionary Terror in Theory and Practice / Land Reform in the Mid-Fifties / The Hue-Massacre of 1968 / Appendix: Indochina – Quang Ngai Province five months after the peace agreement: Arrests, Tortures, Artillery Fire continues as before ceasefire //

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Chomsky, The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism.