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ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families.

ffolliott, Rosemary [Poole].

The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families. With a Preface by Basil M. O’Connell.

Dublin, Hodges and Figgis & Co., 1958. 4°. Frontispiece-Portrait of Joanna Meade Townsend, 294 pages with XIII plates showing 53 portraits and illustrations. The Volume contains over eighty “Pedigrees” [Genealogical Tables with Family Trees connecting to two thousand persons from families like: Allen, Baldwin, Barry, Becher, Bowdler, Boyle, Browne, Brydges, Capenhurst, Chavasse, Clayton, Conner of Connerville, Corker, Courthope, Cummins, Daunt, Davies, Dunscombe, Field, FitzGerald, Fleming, ffolliott, Freke [Capt. John ffreke of Knocknameel with a complete Pedigree starting with Robert Freke of Shroton] / , Fowle, Hayman, Hewitt, Holmes, Hull, Hungerford, Jellett, Langton, Latham, Lucas, McCall, Meade, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Nevill, Nisbett, Newton, Poole, Riggs, Rogers, St.John, Sarsfield, Somerville, Stannard, Symes, Synge, Townsend, Townshend, Travers, Turner, Vaughan, Waring, Wynn and others], List of Subscribers and a comprehensive Index with reference to over four hundred surnames are also included. Original Hardcover with the rare dustjacket. Original blue cloth with only very minor traces of external wear and overall in excellent condition (minor staining to the binding). Interior unbelievably clean and bright with no markings. No.488 of only 500 numbered copies. This extremely rare publication is a key-publication of Irish Genealogy and has set new standards of genealogical research. In the Obituary for Rosemary ffolliott, the Irish Times wrote in 2009: “In 1958, when she was 23 years of age, Rosemary ffolliott compiled “The Pooles of Mayfield”, a history of Settler Families in the Cork area. The publication of this Munster gentry, which some who appeared in it described as “the Dead Sea Scrolls”, initiated a career in the difficult field of Irish genealogy, made the more arduous by the destruction of records at the Four Courts. Her dedication to a discipline that had been considered vague, imprecise and colourful, had an acknowledged effect in raising the standards of genealogy in Ireland. Her research methods were meticulous and she is remembered as a genius in the use of the Registry of Deeds in Henrietta Street. In 1966 she became a Fellow of the Irish Genealogical Research Society, the first woman to be recognised in this way.” The publication is an important source for the History of Family-Connections for the two Irish Country-House-Libraries we currently have on offer: “The Richard Meade Collection (Ballymartle)” and “The Danile Conner – Collection (Connerville and Manch House)”. Both families are mentioned as subscribers to this publication [″H.L.Conner, Esq. – Manch House, Ballineen, Co.Cork” and “Mrs. G.W.Meade – Pitch Place Farm, Thursley, Surrey / Captain J.A.Meade – Chatley, Metchosin, British Columbia / Mrs. Meade – Templenoe House, Fermoy, Co. Cork”]. Especially the many portraits of members of the Meade-Family,as well as the family-connection to the Townshend / Townsend-Family in Castletownshend, near Skibbereen, make this an invaluable source for Irish Genealogy.

Includes the following chapters:

The Poole Book – The Early Poole’s / The seventeenth Century / The Baldwin’s / The First Half of the Eighteenth Century / The Morris Book – The Early Morrises / William Morris and his Son / Mary Townsend’s Ancestry / The Morrises of Barley Hill and Dunkettle / The Poole Book – 2 – The close of the eighteenth century / The twelve Miss Pooles / The Rev. Jonas Morris Poole / The Jellett Book – The Early Days of Tullyard / William Wynn, Esquire / A Disinheritance / The Holmes Family and their Connections / The Lean Years / The Great Years / The Morgan Book – The Early Morgans / Rebecca Morrison’s Ancestry / Later Morgans / The Meade Book – Ballintober/ The Ancestors of Frances Courthope / The Unsettled Years / The Diary of Rev. Robert Meade for 1776 / The Meade Sisters / Joanna / The Poole Book – 3 – A Courtship / Cahirmone / 1839-1854 / The Fleming Book / The Early Flemings / The Townsends of Derry / Catherine Corker’s Ancestry / Lionel John and Dizie / The Poole Book – 4 – 1854, 1855-1857, 1859-1861, 1863-1872 / Appendix – A List of Family Portraits / Index to Surnames //

Includes the following portraits:

Plate I (Frontispiece):

1. Joanna Meade Townsend, wife of Thomas Poole

Plate II:

2. Henry Baldwin
3. Catherine Morris, wife of Henry Baldwin
4. Hewitt Baldwin Poole of Mayfield
5. Dorothea Morris, wife of Hewitt Baldwin Poole

Plate III:

6. Mayfield [Manor] – From a photograph by Miss Charlotte Newton
7. The Hall at Mayfield – From a watercolour by Miss Isabel Newton

Plate IV:

8. Samuel McCall (From a miniature now lost)
9. Betsey Poole, wife of Samuel McCall
10. Rev. Jonas Morris Poole
11. Jane Morris Poole
12. Kitty Poole, wife of Dr. Meade
13. Dr. William Meade

Plate V:

14. William Wynn
15. Mary Brown, wife of Mathew Jellett and William Wynn
16. Sarah Jellett, wife of Robert Holmes
17. James Holmes
18. Morgan Jellett
19. Memorial Locket to John Jellett

Plate VI:

20. Harriette Anne Poole, wife of Rev. Morgan Jellett
21. Charlotte Sophia Poole
22. Hariet and Mia Jellett
23. Rev. Morgan Jellett

Plate VII:

24. Group at the Provost House, Dublin, 1888
25. Group at Mayfield, Co. Cork, 1856

Plate VIII:

26. Elizabeth Davies, wife of James Morrison
27. Rebecca Morrison, wife of Isaac Morgan
28. Maria Poole, wife of James Morgan
29. Thomas Somerville Reeves
30. James Morgan
31. Maria Poole, wife of James Morgan

Plate IX:

32. Ballintober, Co. Cork – From an old print
33. King Charles I. – From a Portrait once at Ballymartle, now in the possession of John Meade, Esq.
34. “The Meade Bible”

Plate X:

35. Frances Courthope, wife of Robert Meade
36. Lieut.-Colonel William Meade
37. Rev. John Meade
38. Dorothea Newman, wife of Rev. Richard Meade
39. Rev. Richard Meade

Plate XI:

40. Joanna Meade
41. Helena Meade, wife of Rev. Horatio Townsend
42. Joanna Meade Townsend, wife of Thomas Poole
43. Rev. Horatio Townsend – from a miniature in the possession of Philip T. Somerville-Large, Esq.
44. Joanna Meade Townsend, wife of Thomas Poole

Plate XII:

45. Lionel Fleming
46. Judith Barbara Somerville, wife of Becher Fleming
47. Bess Hungerford, wife of Philip Townsend
48. Lionel John Fleming
49. Eliza Townsend, wife of Lionel John Fleming

Plate XIII:

50. Horace Townsend Poole
51. Horace and Judith Poole
52. Judith Isabella Fleming, wife of Horace Poole
53. Joanna Meade Townsend, wife of Thomas Poole

EUR 1.200,-- 

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Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade Family History]
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade
Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade