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Bougeant, Amusement Philosophique sur le Langage des Bestes, Nouvelle Edition. A

Bougeant, Guillaume Hyacinthe / François-Alexandre Aubert de la Chesnaye Desbois.

Amusement Philosophique sur le Langage des Bestes, Nouvelle Edition. Augmentee d’un Avertissement, d’un Discours preliminaire, d’un Critique, avec des Notes, & de la Retractation de l’Auteur. [Ensemble avec: Lettre ¡a Madame la Comtesse D***. Pour servir de Supplément à l’amusement Philosophique sure le langage des Bétes. [par François-Alexandre Aubert de la Chesnaye Desbois]

Amsterdam, Aux dépens de la Compagnie, [1750]. 10,5 cm x 17,5 cm. XLVI, 134 pages, (50) pages, [4] pages. Reliure originale / Hardcover – Original full leather with raised bands, gilt lettering and ornament to spine. The volume is now in protective Mylar. Minor wear. Spine slighty starting. Otherwise in excellent and firm condition.

Later edition of Beugeant’s celebrated but thinly disguised satire on Descarte’s notion of the animal-machine. By the 1730s most thinking men had abandoned the Cartesian line and granted animals some semblance of mentality. With religion under threat Bougeant, a Jesuit priest, waded in with (what he considered) the absurd, granting animals souls (but only those of fallen angels or of demons condemned to inhabit bestial bodies), reason and the power of speech. Bougeant’s Jesuit order however failed to appreciate their brother’s ironic wit and the author was heavily censured, his retraction forming a supplement to the volume. (amazonfrance)

EUR 220,-- 

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BOUGEANT, Amusement Philosophique sur le Langage des Bestes, Nouvelle Edition.
BOUGEANT, Amusement Philosophique sur le Langage des Bestes, Nouvelle Edition.
BOUGEANT, Amusement Philosophique sur le Langage des Bestes, Nouvelle Edition.