Collection of six (6) large Solander-Boxes on Eastern Europe (of which we list in detail here only Boxes I and II below) with Printed and some manuscript Materials from the private Reference- library of Geologist Prof.David (Dave) Naylor regarding evaluation of Petroleum Deposits, Gas Deposits in “Eastern Europe” – Maps and Charts and offprints, rare publications of the former DDR (German Democratic Republic) on “Tectonic Regime of Molasse Epochs in Central and South-East Europe and some regions of U.S.S.R.”, copied articles and original offprints of colleagues of Dave Naylor, like N.Grigoras, who wrote about the Geology of Petroleum Deposits in Romania. See a list of all items included in six large boxes with rare materials from the private collection of Dave Naylor.
Potsdam / Mexico / etc., c.1982 – 1990. Quarto. c. 1200 pages plus maps. Hardcover Boxes / Six (6) bespoke made Boxes for the private library of Prof.David (Dave) Naylor. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear.
Essays / Offprints / Xeroxed materials / Maps etc. included are (short summary only):
Box I (includes lots of material on Yugoslavia / Romania etc.):
1. N.Grigoras – Geologie des Gisements de Petrole et de Gaz en Roumanie (Mexico, 1957 – signed/inscribed by Grigoras)
2. Luetzner, H. / Schab, G. – Tectonic Regime of Molasse Epochs – Comparative Analysis of the Formation of Paleozic and Cenozoic Molasses in Central and South-East Europe and Some Regions of U.S.S.R. (1982)
3. G.S.Dzotsenidze – Essay of Comparison of the Meso-Cenozoic Magmatism of the Caucasus, Crimea, Balkans and Carpathians (1968)
4. Mircea Sandulescu – The molasses formations in the geotectonical evolution of the Carpathians (1979)
5. L.A.Nevesskaja / I.A.Goncharova and others – “History of Paratethys” (1987)
6. I.Cicha and I. Krystek – Comments on the Early History of Paratethys (1987)
7. Z.Balla – The Middle Section of the Alpine – Meditteranean Belt in the Neogene (1987)
8. D.Vass – Blocks of West Carpathians and Neogene Molasse Basins (1987)
9. Z.Balla – Neogene Kinematics of the Carpatho-Pannonian Region (1987)
10. Xeroxed Map of Palaeo-Europa / Meso-Europa / Neo-Europa / Eo-Europa
11. N.Grigoras and N. Constantinescu – Geological Activity for Oil and Gas in the Socialist Republic of Rumania (with chapter on the Moldavian Platform)
12. R.H.Janoschek – Exploration for Oil and Gas in Austria (1969)
13. Map of Romania, showing available data on locations of locations of hydrocarbon fields in relation to principal tectonic units
14. Schematic showing Geological Gas Prospection in Poland
15. Newspaper – article on “The World’s Oldest Industrial Oil Field” – “Poland relights the Fire at Bobrka” (Production in Bobrka began in 1853 and the field is still producing today (″today” means January 1994)
16. Map showing Mesozoic-Cenozoic Stratigraphy of Eastern Europe
17. D.V.Ager- “Bulgaria”
18. Four manuscript pages of notes from Dave Naylor on the “Pannonian Basin” and “Romania″
19. Filjak, R. a.o. – “Geology of Petroleum and Natural Gas from the Neocene Complex and its Basement in the Southern Part of Pannonian Basin, Yugoslavia” (1969)
20. J.Sokolowski – “The Present State of Oil and Gas Geological Prospection in Poland” (1969)
21. E.Lafargue / N.Ellouz / F. Roure – “Thrust-controlled exploration plays in the outer Carpathans and their foreland (Poland, Ukraine and Romania)″
22. “Structural evolution of the outer Carpathians” with Geochemistry schematics on Ukraine, Poland and Romania (1994)
23. Complete Report by “ERA” (Ireland) and “Alastair Beach Associates” (Scotland) on “Petroleum Basins of Eastern Europe” with diagrams and handwritten notes by Dave Naylor
24. Robert E.Kiing – “Oil and Gas Exploration and Production in the Soviet Union” (1969)
25. “Tectonic Regime of Molasse Epochs” (1982)
26. Interesting article by Jean-Christophhe Fueg on “Soviet Oil declines while gas levels off” (published in 1990) / The subtitle of the article reads: “Oil production in the Soviet Union declined from 1988’s record level as the country’s largest oil fields begin to show their age. Ethnic unrest, strikes and equipment shrtages prevent much-needed maintenance. Political changes in the rest of the Eastern bloc mean opportunities for western firms” [The artile includes a large fold-out map of the USSR, marked with all Oil Fields and Gas Fields of the USSR, including today’s Ukraine, stated in 1990]. Includes a letter of correspondence regarding fees for creating Reports for Texaco etc.
27. D.V.Nalivkin – The Geology of the USSR
28. A.A.Bogdanov – “The Tectonic History of the USSR and Adjacent Countries” (1968)
29. Filjac, R. / Pletikapic, Z. / Nikolic, D. / Aksin, V. – Geology of Petroleum and Natural Gas from the Neocene Complex and its Basement in the Southern Part of the Pannonian Basin (Yugoslavia) (1969)
30. Milanovsky, Ye.Ye. – Kinematics of Tectonian Movements and Volcanism of the Mediterranean Geosynclinal Belt and its “Frame” at the Orogenic Period of the Alpine “Cycle” [Milanovsky worked at the Department of Historical and Regional Geology Moscow State University, USSR (This Essay was Received: 15th March, 1982)
[There are several other maps and articles and essays inside this Box No. I]
Box II:
1. [Romania / Carpathians] Barbulescu, A. – Les Facies du Jurassique dans la Partie ouest de la Dobrogea Centrale (xerox)
2. [Romania / Carpathians] Beju, D. – Jurassic Microplankton from the Carpathian Foreland of Roumania (xerox)
3. [Romania] Mutiu, R. & A. Badaluta – La Presence des Decapodes Anomures et Dromiaces dans les Calcaires Tithoniques de la Plate-Forme Moesienne (xerox)
4. [Romania / Carpathians] Mutirac, V. – Les Facies du Jurassique de la Zone Centrale des Carpates Orientaux (Roumanie) (xerox)
5. [Romania / Carpathians] Patrulius, D. & E.Popa – Lower and Middle Jurassic Ammonite Zones in the Roumanian Carpathians (xerox)
6. [Romania / Carpathians] Paraschiv / Olteanu – Oil Fields in Mio-Pliocene Zone of Eastern Carpathians (District of Ploiesti) (xerox)
7. [Map showing the Thickness and the Subsurface Extension of the Pannonian Group in the Transdanubian Central Mountains / with indication of profile lines of stratigraphic schemes – Rectified in 1975 after the map compiled in 1973 by B.Bernhardt, L. Gyalog etc.
8. [Collection on several xeroxed articles and essays regaring Bulgaria / Czech Republic etc. including “Environment map from Stephanian to Permian” of the Czech Republic and Bulgaria]
9. [Large Folder with several stratigraphic maps of the Geology of Romania (xeroxed)
10.[Romania] Vintage Map: Excellent, original colour-map of the Geology of Socialist Romania “Harta Geologica – Republica Romania″
including Guidebook (Bucharest 1968)
11.[Poland] Vintage Map: Excellent, original geological colour-map of Poland “Mapa Tektoniczna Polski” (year 1974)
EUR 28.000,--
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