West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Firmian, English Attack.

Firmian, Nick de/ Fedorowicz, John.

English Attack.

London, Batsford, 2004. 21.5cm x 13.6cm. 256 pages. Original illustrated softcover (paperback). Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear.

Two American grand masters provide a practical survey of the English Attack, one of today’s hottest opening variations. In response to Black’s Najdorf Sicilian, White plays 6 f3, which both supports the center e-pawn and prepares to launch a kingside pawn storm against Black’s castled king. However, Black can indeed postpone castling in favor of queenside expansion and regrouping the knight pair at b6 and d7, and be ready for a swift counter punch when White castles long. Tactics and sharp play abound in this most modern of chess openings where precise knowledge of variations is vital.

  • Keywords: Chess · Schach
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 0713488603
  • Inventory Number: 41414AB

EUR 48,-- 

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de Firmian- English Attack