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Blum, Ethics of Industrial Man. An Empirical Study of Religious Awareness and th

Blum, Fred.

Ethics of Industrial Man. An Empirical Study of Religious Awareness and the Experience of Society.

London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1970. 22.1cm x 14.3cm. xxvi, 290 (4) pages. Original Hardcover with original price-clipped dustjacket. Excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear.

Includes for Example: The awareness of ultimate reality/ Religious consciousness and ultimate reality/ God/ Jesus Christ/ The Kingdom of God/ The Church/ Time and Eternity/ Man and his society/ The Kingdom of God and the good society/ Competitive Man/ Markets and men/ Christianity and Capitalism/ Social action and power/ The socialist ideal/ Communism and the experience of freedom/ Democracy and the Monarchy/ Pollitical involvement/ The social order and the disorder of our society etc.

Blum explores the interrelationship between people’s experience of a deeper reality of life, their awareness of society and their participation in it. It is usually assumed that religion has lost its impact on the daily life of man. This is true, in as much as most people live their working lives divorced from religiously grounded ethics. But Blum shows that it ceases to be true if we explore the significance of the universal groun in which all religious awareness and every social order is rooted.

EUR 68,-- 

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Blum-Ethics of Industrial Man