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Jones, Comparative and Continental Philosophy.

Jones, David (Editor) / Wirth, Jason / Schwartz, Michael (Associate Editors).

Comparative and Continental Philosophy.

Eight Volumes. London / Oakville / Sheffield / Leeds, Equinox / Maney Publishing, 2009 – 2013. 15.5 cm x 23.5 cm – 17.5 cm x 24.5 cm. 1,769 pages. Original illustrated softcovers. Excellent condition. Each volume a bright clean copy. [Comparative and Continental Philosophy].

Includes for example the following essays: Neitzche and Japanese Buddhism on the Cultivation of the Body: To What Extent Does Truth Bear Incorporation? – André van der Braak (Volume1.2) / Intersubjectivity and Death: Heidegger and the Iroquois – Brian Seitz (Volume 2.1) / How Merleau-Ponty Can Provide a Philosophical Foundation for Vandana Shiva’s Views on Biodiversity – Shlomit Tamari (Volume 2.2) / Of Pain: The Gift of Language and the Promise of Time – Saitya Brata Das (Volume 3.1) / Drinking to Get Drunk: Pleasure, Creativity, and Social Harmony in Greece and China – Sarah Mattice (Volume 3.2) / Four Things and Two Practices: Rethinking Heidegger Ex Oriente Lux – John Maraldo (Volume 4.1) / An Apology for Pain – Anna-Lena Renqvist (Volume 4.2) / The Shimmering Shining: The Promise of Art in Heidegger and Nietzsche – Timothy Freeman (Volume 5, Number 1).

Comparative and Continental Philosophy is a peer-reviewed and fully refereed journal that appears tri-annually and publishes leading edge papers covering different areas of continental philosophy. It is published by Comparative and Continental Philosophy Circle and is included in ATLA Religion Database, ATLASerials (ATLAS) and The Philosopher’s Index. (Wikipedia)

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Jones, Comparative and Continental Philosophy.
Jones, Comparative and Continental Philosophy.
Jones, Comparative and Continental Philosophy.
Jones, Comparative and Continental Philosophy.
Jones, Comparative and Continental Philosophy.
Jones, Comparative and Continental Philosophy.