West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Raven, Rome in Africa.

Raven, Susan.

Rome in Africa.

Third Edition. London, Routledge, 1993. 16 cm x 23.5 cm. XXXIII, 254 pages. With. c 80 illustrations. Original Hardcover, with original dustjacket. Excellent condition, like new.

Includes for example the following essays: The neighbours of Carthage, The new African kingdoms, Hannibal’s Great Enterprise, The Juguurthine War, The end of Numidian Independence, St Cyprian – bishop and martyr, The tablettes Albertini, and The House of Heraclius. Maps include North Africa in the fourth century.

EUR 70,-- 

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We ship per DHL Express

Raven, Rome in Africa.