West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Ketchum, Saratoga - Turning Point of America's Revolutionary War.

Ketchum, Richard M.

Saratoga – Turning Point of America’s Revolutionary War.

First Edition. New York, Henry Holt and Company, 1997. 16 cm x 24 cm. XII, 545 pages. Original Hardcover with original dustjacket in protective collector’s mylar. Excellent condition with only very minor signs of external wear. Out of print.

Includes for example the following essays: The Secret Mission, They Wish to See our Throats Cut, A Matter of Personal Interest and Fame, The Scalping Knife and the Gospel, The Rebels Will Chicaine You, and The King Fell into Agonies. Maps include for example: The Fight at Hubbardton, and October 7 – The Wheat Field.

EUR 60,-- 

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Ketchum, Saratoga – Turning Point of America’s Revolutionary War.