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Gift Ideas for Collectors (63 items)

Richard Nixon's Cheshire Prophecy / Plus - John Collier - A Collection of Four Local History Pamphlets on Manchester and its History and A Map of Manchester and Salford by J.Pigot

53. [Nixon, Robert] / [Lilly, William] / Collier, John / Bobbin, Tom.

Collection of Four Local History Pamphlets on Manchester and its History, a Map of Manchester and Salford and a rare, early 18th century Prophecy-Pamphlet with William Lilly-Connection. The Collection includes as provisional Frontispiece a rare, folded, original “Map of Manchester and Salford” by J.Pigot, from the year 1811 – (36 cm x 32 cm) / The Map if followed by: Pamphlet I: Anonymous – Short Sketch of the History of Manchester (XII Pages – Manchester, Printed by Sowler and Russell, 1794 (and First published in the Encyclopaedia Britannica)/ Pamphlet II: [John Collier] – Curious Remarks on the History of Manchester. With a judicious Incredulity of Spirit, let us enquire and think for ourselves. By “Muscipula” [that is John Collier alias Tim Bobbin]. (IX, 65 pages – London, Printed for, and sold by the Booksellers in Town and Country, 1771 / Pamphlet III: [Anonymously but most likely also John Collier]″More Fruit from the same Pannier; Or, Additional Remarks on the History of Manchester. (IV, 73, VIII pages) / [Bound together with: NIXON’S Cheshire Prohecy At Large. Published from the Lady Cowper’s Correct Copy. With Historical and Political Remarks and several instances wherein it is Fulfilled. To which is added, THE LIFE OF [ROBERT] NIXON. With an advertising for a “William Lilly – Prophecy” on page 19 of the Nixon-Pamphlet: “Mr.Lilly’s remarkable Prophecy, transcrib’d Verbatim out of his Almanack for the Year 1655, printed under the following Title: “Merlini Anglici Ephemeris”: Astrological Predictions for the Year 1655 by William Lilly – Student in Astrology. [Followed by:] The Prophecy. “….Long’ere that Time poor Merlin sleeps In’s Grave secure; sad England weeps”. ([2], 32 pages – London, Printed for J.Roberts, 1719). //

Manchester / London, J.Roberts and others, 1719-1794. Octavo. Original Hardcover / 19th-century half-leather with gilt lettering to spine. Excellent condition with some minor signs of wear only. Name of preowner on third pamphlet (″Michael North”) / With a manuscript entry by one ‘W.K.’, regarding the “garbled” appearance of the Nixon’s Prophecy in Fielding’s novel, Tom Jones: ‘This was probably the very book which Partridge read out of… This shows Fielding’s attention to minutiae I think – such a jumbled Head as [barber-surgeon] Partridge wd be likely to mix up those part of the Tale Together’. The Cheshire Prophecy in Chapbook-Style with an advertising bound before the titlepage and “Price Six-Pence” on cover.

EUR 1.800,-- 

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Thomas Mann, Collection of important publications by Thomas Mann in the swedish language

55. Mann, Thomas / [Provenance: Falk Simon (Collector)].

Collection of nine (9) important publications by Thomas Mann in the swedish language. All editions in this collection are Translations from german into the swedish language, done by eminent swedish poets, writers and translators like Anders Oesterling (Österling), Anna Lamberg Wahlin and Walborg Hedberg. The collection has been beautifully rebound for swedish Bibliophile and Collector of antique Silver, “Falk Simon”, and most of the original wrappers and artwork to wrappers, has been preserved. The Exlibris of “Falk Simon” is to be found in each Volume (except “Buddenbrooks”, which has only one Exlibris) / Included are: 1. “Lille Herr Friedemann” – Stockholm, Billows, 1929. Översättning av J.G.S. / 2. “Huset Buddenbrook” – Historien om en Familjs Förfall I-II. Första Delen & Andra Delen. (Bonniers, 1937) – Översättning av Walborg Hedberg. / 3. “Underbarnet” – Översättning fran Tyskan av Karin Allardt (Stockholm, Bonniers, 1920) [Includes: Underbarnet / Tunga Timmar / Hos Profeten / En skimrande episod / Huru Jappe och Do Escobar pryglade upp varandra / Besvikelse / Tobias Mindernickel] / 4. Tonio Kröger – Översättning av Walborg Hedberg (Stockholm, Wahlstroem & Widstrand, 1922) / 5. Hans Kunglig Höghet – Översättning av Walborg Hedberg (Stockholm, Bonniers, 1910) – Name of preowner “Alfhild Söderlund – 1911” on titlepage / 6. Ockulta Upplevelser – Översättning av Anna Lamberg Wahlin / 7. Mario och Trollkarlen – Tre Noveller av Thomas Mann – Till Svenska af Anna Lamberg Wahlin (Stockholm, Bonniers, 1930) / 8. Lotte i Weimar – Roman – Översättning av Nils Holmberg (Stockholm, Bonniers, 1946) / 9. De Ombytta Huvudena – En Indisk Legend – Översättning av Anders Österling /

Stockholm,, Bonniers and others, 1910 – 1946. Octavo. More than 1800 pages. Hardcover / Decorative half leather with marbled-paper-covered-boards. With Exlibris of Falk Simon. Overall in excellent condition with some minor signs of wear only. Rare set !

EUR 1.800,-- 

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