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Manuscript Literature Rare (5 items)

[Anonymous] Dante Alighieri / Cockerell, [La Divina Commedia] - "Pictures Illustrating The Pilgrimage of the Divine Poet Through The Realms of Punishment of Penance and Peace" - Illuminated Devotional

1. Dante Alighieri / Cockerell, Douglas / North, John William / Ashendene Press Circle /

[La Divina Commedia / The Divine Comedy – Manoscritto dell’inizio del XX secolo della Divina Commedia di Dante – con strofe manoscritte da “L’Inferno / Inferno” – “Purgatorio” – “Il Paradiso / Paradiso”] – The Manuscript is titled: “Pictures Illustrating The Pilgrimage of the Divine Poet Through The Realms of Punishment of Penance and Peace” – Illuminated Devotional Manuscript of section of “L’Inferno / Inferno” – “Purgatorio” – “Il Paradiso / Paradiso” – with excerpts of Dante’s Divina Comedia, in the style of medieval illuminated manuscripts. The manuscript is a strictly themed Dante Devotion and is of magical quality if one considers the fantastic, original calligraphy artwork, the composition of the manuscript and the coded meaning to the composer of this manuscript. The Folio – size manuscript is massive and has 216 pages, of which 109 pages are with illuminated, original watercolour-paintings in the style of the medieval masters, sometimes collages with watercolour and original etchings, engravings etc. The miniature paintings are juxtaposed with 105 vintage 19th century photographs of famous Italian Art – pieces that are somehow related to Dante’s world or have an allegorical assoziation. Besides the early photographs other juxtaposed artwork or integrated artwork to the illuminations are: an original watercolour depicting the dying Dante, a sensational copper-engraving, depicting an allegorical Dante-scenario, possibly referring to the Divine Comedy, a small photograph of the famous Michelino Fresco encapsulated in one of the illuminations, an artprint attributed “Burne-Jones”, two lithographs, a large steel-engraving, a smaller steel-engraving. Most of the photographs show allegorical sculpture or art by famous italian artists like Giotto, Carpaccio, Andrea Castagna, Luca delkla Robbia, Bellini, Titian, Dosso Dossi, Orgagna, Andrea del Sarto, Fra Angelico, Paul Veronese, Botticelli, Raphael, Michelangelo, Bonifazio, Neri dei Bicci, Francesco Traini, Benozo Gozzoli, etc. etc. and other juxtaposed refer in code to Dante’s Divina Comedia or even depict himself in artform. The photographs also include some breathtaking 19th century Albumen prints of Verona, Lake Garda, Mantua and other Italian landscapes.

England, [Douglas Cockerell / John William North], no year [c.1910]. Folio (34 cm wide x 42.5 cm high). 216 pages. Hardcover / Binding in full green morocco with lettering and Dante’s head as bronze sculpture per inlet to front cover. Binding by Douglas Cockerell, signed “WHS”, during his directorship of W.H.Smith & Son (1905 – 1914). The manuscript is on excellent paper, watermarked O.W.P. & A.C.L. [O.W. Paper & Arts Co. Ltd., established by English painter John William North (1842-1924) in 1895]. The binding rubbed and with some small damages, in need of some minor restoration but overall still very good. The interior, the paper and the artwork all in excellent condition besides one of the juxtaposed photographs (Filippina Lippo) removed from the manuscript with some residue of the photograph remaining and some of the photographs with some dogears and minimal discoloration. All the original artwork in spectacular and fresh condition. The manuscript is a spectacular find and the quality of its execution is of utmost interest for any lover of rare books, manuscripts and special bindings. The circle of Douglas Cockerell, his involvement in one of the most beautiful books ever printed: the Ashendene Press Dante, as well as Cockerell being the binder of this unique manuscript, the fantastic paper used for the manuscript by one of the idyllist movement’s central figures, John William North, and the wonderful Dante – theme of the manuscript with illuminated poetry from the Divine Comedy and the unique style of collage art, lets us rightfully dream that the anonymous composer of the manuscript was an important or at least peripheral member to either the Arts and Crafts Movement, the Ashendene Press or it was someone who worked in the style of the calligraphy schools that were inspired by William Morris or even earlier epigones like Owen Jones.

EUR 48.000,-- 

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Lescure, Jean / [André Frénaud] - Original Typescript with manuscript annotations and corrections of "Poèmes métaphysiques".

4. Lescure, Jean / [André Frénaud].

Original Typescript with manuscript annotations and corrections of “Poèmes métaphysiques”. Jean Lescure’s personal copy with corrections and additions to his earliest collection of poems. Loosely inserted into the collection are the three pages of the typescript for “Apologie de L’Aveugle – à André Frénaud” reflecting his close friendship and collaboration with André Frénaud [according to our research, Rachel E. Perry identifies in her essay “Histoire De L’Aveugle: Matiérisme’s Critique of Vision” that Jean Lescure composed this poem together with Paul Eluard and it was published in “A la gloire de la main” in 1949]. The poems in the Typescript / Manuscript of Lescure are all dated between 1937 and 1940. The original composition of the poem-cyle “Trois chansons de mer pour l’equinoe” is completely replaced by an autographe, manuscript-entry of Lescur. The poems in this original Typescript/Manuscript of “Poèmes métaphysiques” are titled: “Porte ouverte ou fermee” (″mars-avril 1939”)/ “Dialectique d’un printemps” (″hiver 1937 – ler 5 decembre 1939”)/ “Present de la journee” (″5-6 decembre 1939”) / “Noel pour une fille que fleurisse le jour” (″7-18 decembre 1939”) / “Chant montagnard pour saluer la fin de l’hiver” (″Fev. 1940-Mars 1941”)/ “La Nourriture de l’Amour”(″Fevrier 1941 – Mars 1942”)/ “Double aspect de l’iris” (″20 dec. 1939 – Jan.1940”) / “Double Fer” (″Jan – 25 avril 1940”) / “Debut sur le jour” / “Aspect de la Solitude” / “Chansons de mer pour l’equinoxe” [1.Chanson du patron – 2. Chanson du gabier (Manoeuvre a la vie pare et vire) – [Chansons du precheur] – 3. Chanson du timonier] (″Sept – Oct 41”) //

[France], c. 1945 – 1949. Quarto (21,5 cm x 27 cm). 33 pages plus 3 pages “″Apologie de L’Aveugle”. Original Softcover. Excellent condition with some minor signs of wear only.

EUR 3.800,-- 

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Taylor, Collection of six (6) items/original, vintage and personal materials

5. Taylor, Tom / [Abraham Lincoln].

Exquisite collection of six (6) items/original, vintage and personal materials by/of Tom Taylor. The collection includes a 2 1/2 page, signed manuscript letter [MLS] by Tom Taylor to an unknown recipient , discussing a memorial he sent to Robert Browning’s patron, John Kenyon and mentioning former Prime Minister Lord Aberdeen [George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen]. The collection also includes two vintage 19th century cabinet photographs [Carte de Visite’s] of Tom Taylor, a later edition of Ballads and Songs of Brittany and two beautifully inscribed and signed presentation copies of his major works: 1. The first edition of Ballads of Brittany – London/Cambridge, MacMillan and Co.,1865 with many illustrations by Tissot, Tenniel etc. (This first edition is signed and inscribed by Tom Taylor to Emilia Ventana at Xmas 1864, before the publication of the book commenced) and 2. Tom Taylor’s Historical Dramas. London, Chatto & Windus, 1877. Signed and inscribed by Tom Taylor to Marie de Beauvoisier in March 1879.

London / Cambridge etc., Chatto & Windus / Routledge & Sons / etc., c. 1850-1879. Octavo. Ballads and Songs of Brittany (1865 edition): Frontispice, XXII, 239 pages / Ballads and Songs of Brittany (Later Routledge edition): XVI, 176 pages / Tom Taylor’s Historical Dramas: VIII, 466, 32 pages. / Manuscript Letter: 2 1/2 pages. Original Hardcover / The manuscript letter in a Folder, it includes an A4 manuscript leaf from a 19th century autograph-collector describing the letter by Taylor. / The two vintage cabinet photographs of Taylor included in the Folder with the autograph. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear.

EUR 2.800,-- 

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