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Philosophy Rare (167 items)

Collection of important and rare publications by and on american philosopher Stanley Cavell

1. [Stanley Cavell Collection] – Cavell, Stanley [Stanley Louis Goldstein].

Collection of important and rare publications by and on american philosopher Stanley Cavell. The books in this collection originate from the personal library of Stanley Cavell, his friends Victor and Jacqueline, as well as from the library of philosopher Graham Parkes [Please see each title described and photographed in our section “Libraries & Collections” and search for “Stanley Cavell Collection”]. The collection includes: 1. Must We Mean What We Say ? – Modern philosophical essays in morality, religion, drama, music and criticism. First Edition, 1969. Signed and inscribed by Stanley Cavell / 2. Stanley Bates and Ted Cohen – More on what we say. First Edition. Chicago, Middlebury College, 1972 / 3. Cavell, Stanley – Themes out of School. Effects and Causes. San Francisco, North Point Press, 1984. Signed and inscribed by Stanley Cavell / 4. Cavell, Stanley. The World Viewed – Reflections on the Ontology of Film. New York, The Viking Press, 1971. Signed and inscribed by Stanley Cavell in the year 1971, to his friends Victor and Jacqueline / 5. [Cavell, Stanley] Oksenberg Rorty, Amélie. The Many Faces of Philosophy. Reflections from Plato to Arendt. First Edition. Oxford and others, Oxford University Press, 2003. Signed and inscribed by the Editor to Cavell. / 6. [Cavell, Stanley] – Massimo Cacciari – Architecture and Nihilism: On the Philosophy of Modern Architecture – Stanley Cavell’s personal copy with notes and annotations. / 7. [Cavell, Stanley] Desan, Wilfrid – The Tragic Finale – An Essay on the Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre – with interesting annotations and textmarkings by Stanley Cavell / 8. Cavell, Stanley. Pursuits of Happiness – the Hollywood Comedy of Remarriage. Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1981. From the librray of philosopher Graham Parkes / 9.Cavell, Stanley. The World Viewed- Reflections on the Ontology of Film. Enlarged Edition. Massachusetts, Harvard Universaity Press, 1979. From the library of philosopher Graham Parkes.

New York / Cambridge / and others, Charles Scribner’s Sons / Harper / Yale University Press / Oxford University Press / Viking Press etc., 1969-2003. Large Octavo (17 cm x 23,5 cm). XXIX, 365 pages. Hardcover / Original cloth / Softcover. All books in very good or better condition; many signed or inscribed. A rare opportunity to look into the mind of an important philosophical thinker through his annotations and notes, especially in the book on Sartre.

EUR 1.440,-- 

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[de Man, Collection of five books from the library of Paul de Man and Pat de Man

2. [de Man, Paul] Durling, Robert M. / Rosiek, Jan / Weiss, T.[Theodore Russell Weiss] / Hughes, Langston / Levin, Harry.

Collection of five books from the library of Paul de Man and Pat de Man. Three of the books inscribed/signed by the author’s. The Collection includes: 1. Robert M. Durling – The Figure of the Poet in Renaissance Epic. [Inscribed by Durling: “For Paul de Man – with fond regards – Bob”] / 2. Jan Rosiek – Figures of Failure – Paul de Man’s Criticism 1953-1970 [Unsigned / Not inscribed] / 3. T. Weiss – The Catch – The Twayne Library of Modern Poetry [Inscribed by Weiss: “To Pat + Paul, for real friendship + a book of their own soon. Ted”] / 4. Edward J. Mullen – Langston Hughes in the Hispanic World and Haiti [Inscribed by Langston Hughes: “Ma cheri Pat, may this slight token of appreciation for your past (and hopefully) future, intellectual ministrations to your petit frère recall to you fond memories of your peregination. Love, Langston – Chritmas, 1979 (Late, as usual)”] / 5. Karry Levin – Grounds for Comparison [Unsigned / Not inscribed].

Cambridge (Mass.) / Aarhus / New York and others, Harvard University Press / Archon Books / Twayne Publishers / Aarhus University Press, 1951 – 1992. 8°. Volume I.: VIII, 280 pages / Volume II: 247 pages / Volume III: 77 pages / Volume IV: 193 pages / Volume V: 423 pages. Three Volumes in original Hardcover with original dustjacket in protective Mylar / One Volume in Softcover / One Volume in Hardcover. Very good condition. From the library of Paul de Man. Especially the Durling – Volume of interest. Inscribed by the author: “For Paul de Man with fond regards – Bob”.

EUR 780,-- 

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Typed Letter signed from american philosopher John Wild to Philosopher Henry David Aiken

9. [Maluf, Brother Francis] Wild, John / Aiken, Henry D.

Typed Letter signed from american philosopher John Wild to Philosopher Henry David Aiken, informing Aiken: “I missed you especially two weeks ago when I attempted to defend a realistic view of ethics in terms of the concept of natural law. I am not sure, but I think you might have been in agreement with some of the points I tried to make as over against Lewis’ Kantian subjectivism and Demos’ [Raphael Demos] extreme Platonism….”. Besides some further niceties, John Wild talks in this letter intensely about Christian Arab Philosopher Francis Maluf, from Mashrah, Lebanon, who could be in John Wild’s mind the perfect “section man for your Phil A course”. Wild continues to praise the syrian, Maluf, who had been “teaching Mathematics and Physics in a war job out of Worcester and who has been keeping up his interest in philosophy by attenting courses around here, organizing discussion groups and other intellectual activities which amaze me by their versatility and intensity”. John Wild continues: “He has been offered a permanent job at the University of Beirut in Syria to teach Philosophy there (he is a friend of Malik’s) but if possible wants to stay around here for another year to study and learn before he goes back.” [Maluf had converted to catholicism in 1940 and was later known as Brother Francis Maluf.

Cambridge, April 15th, 1945. Octavo. 2 pages. Softcover. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear. Original two-page-letter with original envelope.

EUR 275,-- 

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