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Autograph – Rare (66 items)

Kurt Heinrich Wolff, Collection of Personal Books, Annotated Books, Inscribed Books, Manuscript Material

53. Wolff, Kurt H. [Heinrich] / [Mannheim, Karl / Simmel, Georg / Rieff, Philip].

Collection of Personal Books, Gifts from Colleagues at Brandeis University, Annotated Books, Inscribed Books, Signed Books and Association Copies from the personal library and collection of american Sociologist Kurt H. Wolff [Brandeis University]. The collection includes classics of sociological literature by Karl Mannheim, Talcott Parsons, Philip Rieff, Pitirim A. Sorokin, Philip E. Slater, Gene Sharp, William Barrett, John Dewey, Aron Gurwitch etc., as well as the occasional letter/correspondence, loosely inserted in books and pamphlets. Includes for example Kurt Heinrich Wolff’s personal copies of: 1. Durkheim, Emile – Two Laws of Penal Evolution [I. The Law of Quantitative Variations / II. The Law of Qualitative Variations] / 2. Kurt H. Wolff – The Sociology of Georg Simmel / 3. Karl Mannheim – German Sociology (1918 – 1933 – Signed – inscribed) / 4. Pitirim A. Sorokin – Fads and Foibles in Modern Sociology and Related Sciences / 5. Murray Krieger – The Tragic Vision (Signed and Inscribed) / 6. Norman O. Brown – Closing Time / 7. Gene Sharp – Social Power and Political Freedom (Signed and Inscribed) / 8. William Barrett – Irrational Man – A Study in Existential Philosophy / 9. Gene Sharp – Making Europe Unconquerable – The potential of civilian-based Deterrence and Defense / 10. John Dewey – German Philosophy and Politics / 11. Philip E. Slater – Microcosm – Structural, Psychological and Religious Evolution in Groups (Signed – Inscribed) / 12. John Wild (Editor) – Studies in Phenomenology & Existential Philosophy / 13. Peter L. Berger and Hansfried Kellner – Sociology Reinterpreted – An Essay on Method and Vocation /

Brandeis / Glencoe (Illinois) / New York, and others, Free Press / Doubleday and others, 1953 – c. 1987. Octavo. More than 1500 pages. Original Offprint / Softcover – publications but mostly Hardcovers with original dustjackets in Mylar. Very good condition with some minor signs of wear only. From the personal library of american sociologist Kurt Heinrich Wolff.

EUR 7.500,-- 

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Hans Jonas / Henry David Aiken, Typed letter, signed by German-born, American Jewish philosopher Hans Jonas

54. Aiken, Henry David / [Hans Jonas] / Quine, W.V.O.

Typed letter, signed by German-born, American Jewish philosopher Hans Jonas, loosely inserted in Henry David Aiken’s pamphlet “God and Evil: A Study of Some Relations Between Faith and Morals”. The Essay by Aiken is inscribed and signed by Aiken in a sarcastic manner: “To God, from one of his congregation – Shem”. In the letter, Jonas reflects on two pages on an evening with Henry David Aiken and his then wife Lillian Woodworth. In his letter to Aiken, Hans Jonas reports back to Aiken after reading his essay [″God and Evil”] and calls it “a beautiful piece of work – in style and content worthy of your “master” who wrote on natural theology….”. Jonas goes on encouraging Aiken: “you are also dead wrong n not publishing a collection of your essays in ethical theory. If your pal Quine can do it “from a logical point of you [sic]”, so can you “from a moral point of view”. Jonas also mentions “that it is worth writing about the ancient problem opf a theodicy in a contemporary context”. [The Essay is n Offprint from Ethics, An International Journal of Social, Political and Legal Philosophy, Volume LXVIII, No. 2].

New York / Washington, DC, 1958. 16,8 x 24 cm. 21 pages (pages 77-97 of the Journal) plus two page-letter (on one leaf), signed by Hans Jonas Original Offprint / Original TLS (Typed letter signed). Very good+ condition. Stapled. Only minimal signs of staining. The letter also discusses a Reference for one “Ed Sayles” and Jonas suggest that Aiken writes “casual but fairly strong” to Howard R. Bartlett, professor of history and head of the Department of Humanities at MIT.

EUR 1.800,-- 

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Sir Harry Luke - Long (2-page) Manuscript Letter (MLS) / Autographed Letter, signed (ALS) by Christopher Pirie-Gordon

55. [Malta Content] – [Luke, Sir Harry] / Pirie-Gordon, Christopher.

Long (2-page) Manuscript Letter (MLS) / Autographed Letter, signed (ALS) by Christopher Pirie-Gordon, 14th Laird of Buthlaw, “formerly Assistant-Resident in Amman and seconded for service under the Foreign Office, following the winding-up of the Palestine Administration”, to Sir Harry Luke from Pirie-Gordon’s post in Taiz (Yemen). Pirie-Gordon writes: “‘My dear Harry Charles, thank you so very much for your recent letter. Iremain almost aghast at the extent of your “wanderlust”. Brazil and Penang combined with almost permanent residence in Malta and a flat in London seem quite a good way of keeping at bay in suggestion of the humdrum or routine in life”. Pirie-Gordon describes his recent activities, including a ‘visit to stay with our Ambassador in Addis Ababa’, where he found the Ethiopians ‘a friendly courteous people’. Regarding the situation in the Yemen Pirie-Gordon writes: “We have been through a rough summer here during the Crown Prince’s period of Regency with one unpleasant afternoon in Taiz when the army ran amok”. The fact that the country did not have ‘the long awaited revolution then, when the Imam [Ahmad bin Yahya] was out of the country’, has convinced Pirie-Gordon ‘that revolutionaries of the necessary calibre are just not to be found locally’. Of the Imam he writes: “If someone bumps the old man off (no easy undertaking) or if Allah decides that he can do without him no longer then all hell will be loose and the War of the Roses will probably be declared at once.” In the meantime the country will ‘probably slide into a nice quiet anarchy’. Regarding ‘His Majesty’s gracious message’, Luke’s ‘mental imagery’ of ‘the Dragon breathing fire’ is ‘not inapt’. Pirie-Gordon now turns to his own future, which ‘remains shrouded in mystery’. His aim is to secure a ‘particular post’, despite ‘the Ambassador in the country concerned’, who is ‘anxious to have it for an old boyfriend of his own’. The letter ends with Pirie-Gordon describing his ‘highly international social life’, which, he declares, ‘suits me well’.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Taiz [Yemen], 8 October, 1959. Quarto. Two pages. From Sir Harry Luke’s personal library. The letter comes with a publication, edited by Hector Bolitho: “The British Empire”, in which are contained two essays on the Colonial History of the Empire by Sir Harry Luke: I.The Mediterranean Colonies and Aden” / II. “The British Islands of the Pacific”.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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