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Brandeis University (3 items)

Henry David Aiken, Collection of manuscript material, offprints, association-copies

1. Aiken, Henry David / John Rawls / Donald Davidson / Rudolf Carnap / Roderick M. Chisholm / Nelson Goodman / Raphael Demos and others.

Collection of manuscript material, offprints, association-copies and books from the library and personal collection of Professor Henry David Aiken, American Philosopher, specialist on Analytic Philosophy, Aesthetics, Ethics and Education at the Universities of Columbia, Harvard, Michigan and Brandeis. The collection reflects Aiken’s deep connections to the important postwar-period of great thinkers at American Universities like Harvard and Brandeis. Aiken was friends with John Rawls, Raphael Demos, Daniel Bell, Arnold Kaufman, Stephen Toulmin, Israel Scheffler. Aiken’s “Beloved teacher” and mentor was Ralph Barton Perry (see his dedication in “Predicament of the University”). More importantly, Aiken was accepted as scholar and friend around important thinkers like Willard Van Orman Quine, Alfred North Whitehead, Robert Nozick and John Rawls. The collection includes first edition offprints from nearly all of these mentioned, including the rare first appearance of John Rawls’ “Justice as Fairness” in its original wrappers-issue from 1957 [See on our website images under “Libraries & Collections”]. The collection also includes materials previously inscribed and gifted to fellow philosophers in Aiken’s circle of friends, now reunited with this Archive. [Please enquire for access to excellent photographs and descriptions to each title, included in this collection]. The collection includes for example the Proof of Aiken’s publication “The Predicament of the University” [Working-Title: “The Future of the University”] – This title is of great interest alone, with Aiken’s annotations. Also included is the first edition of Aiken’s personal copy of his Thesis for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts: “Hegel’s Philosophy of Fine Art – A Study with special reference to the Theory of Tragedy”. Among the collection are roughly 200 offprints, often with dedications and inscriptions to colleagues. [Each title is listed in detail, with images, on our website under “Libraries & Collections” (click on “Henry D. Aiken Collection”).

Harvard / Brandeis / Cambridge (Mass.) etc., c. 1935 – 1975. Octavo & Quarto. More than 2000 pages. Original Softcover / Stapled. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear.

EUR 17.500,-- 

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Kurt Heinrich Wolff, Collection of Personal Books, Annotated Books, Inscribed Books, Manuscript Material

2. Wolff, Kurt H. [Heinrich] / [Mannheim, Karl / Simmel, Georg / Rieff, Philip].

Collection of Personal Books, Gifts from Colleagues at Brandeis University, Annotated Books, Inscribed Books, Signed Books and Association Copies from the personal library and collection of american Sociologist Kurt H. Wolff [Brandeis University]. The collection includes classics of sociological literature by Karl Mannheim, Talcott Parsons, Philip Rieff, Pitirim A. Sorokin, Philip E. Slater, Gene Sharp, William Barrett, John Dewey, Aron Gurwitch etc., as well as the occasional letter/correspondence, loosely inserted in books and pamphlets. Includes for example Kurt Heinrich Wolff’s personal copies of: 1. Durkheim, Emile – Two Laws of Penal Evolution [I. The Law of Quantitative Variations / II. The Law of Qualitative Variations] / 2. Kurt H. Wolff – The Sociology of Georg Simmel / 3. Karl Mannheim – German Sociology (1918 – 1933 – Signed – inscribed) / 4. Pitirim A. Sorokin – Fads and Foibles in Modern Sociology and Related Sciences / 5. Murray Krieger – The Tragic Vision (Signed and Inscribed) / 6. Norman O. Brown – Closing Time / 7. Gene Sharp – Social Power and Political Freedom (Signed and Inscribed) / 8. William Barrett – Irrational Man – A Study in Existential Philosophy / 9. Gene Sharp – Making Europe Unconquerable – The potential of civilian-based Deterrence and Defense / 10. John Dewey – German Philosophy and Politics / 11. Philip E. Slater – Microcosm – Structural, Psychological and Religious Evolution in Groups (Signed – Inscribed) / 12. John Wild (Editor) – Studies in Phenomenology & Existential Philosophy / 13. Peter L. Berger and Hansfried Kellner – Sociology Reinterpreted – An Essay on Method and Vocation /

Brandeis / Glencoe (Illinois) / New York, and others, Free Press / Doubleday and others, 1953 – c. 1987. Octavo. More than 1500 pages. Original Offprint / Softcover – publications but mostly Hardcovers with original dustjackets in Mylar. Very good condition with some minor signs of wear only. From the personal library of american sociologist Kurt Heinrich Wolff.

EUR 7.500,-- 

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