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Quine, Willard Van Orman (15 items)

Collection of Books, Offprints and Ephemera, rare Association - copies from the personal library of american writer, Peter Viereck

9. Viereck, Peter.

Collection of Books, Offprints and Ephemera, rare Association – copies from the personal library of american writer, Peter Viereck as well as from other famous libraries of philosophers and writers in Peter Viereck’s circle of friends. [Detailed photographs on our website under “Libraries & Collections”] – The Collection includes a wonderful association-copy between the first african american pulitzer prize-winner, poet Gwendolyn Brooks and Peter Viereck, also an interestingly inscribed association copy of Viereck’s “Conservatism Revisited”, sent to philospher and logician Willard Van Orman Quine, a signed version of Peter Viereck’s book “Shame and Glory of the Intellectuals – Babbitt Jr. vs. the Rediscovery of Values”, an inscribed book by Harry Levin to Peter Viereck, an inscribed book by Peter’s father, George Sylvester Viereck, as well as other books of interest. Also included is a larger collection of ephemeral material and offprints, listed here: 1. “Peter Viereck – Profile” – Article by E.V. Griffith in “Poetry Now”, Vol, VI, No. 2 [Issue 32] – With three excellent photographs of Viereck, shown throughout the article. Griffith discusses Viereck’s genesis as a writer, his time in Harvard and his important contribution to conservatism etc. / 2. Peter Viereck – “The Last Decade in Poetry- New Dilemmas and New Solutions” (In this 1954 – Offprint from “Literature in the Modern World”, Nashville, George Peabody College for Teachers, Viereck discusses Wallace Stevens (″Wallace Stevens’ is the sorcery of surfaces. For this he pays a price: the sacrifice of deep feeleing″and Robert Lowell) / 3. Peter Viereck – “Decorum and Terror: Homage to Goethe and Hart Crane” – Original Offprint from “Essays in Criticism”, with a manuscript correction by Viereck / 4. Peter Viereck – “New Views on Metternich” (Offprint from “The Review of Politics”) / 5. Peter Viereck – “The Rootless ‘Roots’: Defects in the New Conservatism (Original Offprint from “″The Antioch Review”, Summer 1955, issue) / 6. Galleyproof Review for NY Times Sunday Book section of Russell Kirk, by Peter Viereck – With two manuscript notes on the Galley by Peter Viereck to american philosoper and Leo Strauss admirer, Harvey Mansfield: “Harvey, many thanks for your piece on Spitzer + Auerbach which meant a lot to me (I’d known Spitzer). Warm regards to both of you – Peter” and a second manuscript entry by Viereck: “Saw Brodsky …..Finishing a new book…poems – Peter” [Mansfield and Viereck must have sent the Galley back and forth between each other]. / 7. Peter Viereck – “First Advance Reviews on “McCarthy and the Communists” by James Rorty and Moshe Decter – With a highlighting of the review-citation of Peter Viereck’s opinion “All conservative and liberals reading this irrefutable indictment of McCarthy’s methods should unite to conserve our traditional Constitutional framework against subversion by McCarthyism as well as by Communism” / 8. “Peter Viereck – A List of his principal works” / 9. Peter Viereck – “Unlaughing and Untragic” – (Original Offprint from “American Quarterly” with some markings by Viereck, ticking off each paragraph) / 9. Peter Viereck – “Reply to a critique of one of Viereck’s publications” / 10. Peter Viereck – “Ogling through Ice: The Sullen Lyricism of Georg Heym” [Original Offprint from “Books abroad”, April 1971, 11 pages – Including Peter Viereck’s Translation of Georg Heym’s poem “Letze Wache” (″Final Vigil”)] / 11. Original Book Review by Jacques Barzun of Peter Viereck’s Masterpiece: “Metapolitics – From the Romantics to Hitler” – Original Offprint from “Journal of the History of Ideas, January 1942, Vol. VIII., No.1” – Including Peter Viereck’s Reply to Barzun’s “passionate” Review, calling Viereck’s book “an ardent attempt to psycho-analyze the religion of the Nazis”. 6 pages/

Notre Dame / New York and others, 1951 – c. 1955 Octavo. Original Offprints and loose pages etc. Very good condition with some minor signs of wear only. From the library of Peter Viereck.

EUR 4.800,-- 

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