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[Quine, PSA 1970 - In Memory of Rudolf Carnap.

[Quine, W.V.O.] / Carnap, Rudolf / Buck, Roger C. / Cohen, Robert S.

PSA 1970 – In Memory of Rudolf Carnap. Edited by Roger C. Buch and Robert S.Cohen.

Dordrecht-Holland, D.Reidel Publishing Company, 1971. 8°. LXVI, 615 pages with two photographs of Rudolf Carnap, inserted just before the contents-page, showing a young Rudolf Carnap on a photograph from 1935 and the elderly Carnap on a photograph from 1962. Original Hardcover with original dustjacket in protective collector’s mylar. Even though no indication inside the book, the publication comes from the private library of W.V.O.Quine. No markings or annotations by Quine. [Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Sciece – Volume VIII].

The Volume includes the Proceedings of the 1970 Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Meeting, held in Boston, as well as a section of homage to Rudolf Carnap by Willard Van Orman Quine, Wolfgang Stegmueller and others.

With essays from numerous scientists and philosophers like for example:

Herbert Feigl – Research Programmes and Induction
Burke Townsend – Feyerabend’s Pragmatic Theory of Observation and the Comparability of Alternative Theories
J.O.Wisdom – Observations as the Building Blocks of Science in 20th Century Scientific Thought
Gen-Ichiro Nagasaka – The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox Reexamined
Carlo Giannoni – Einstein and the Lorentz-Poincare Theory of Relativity

, Thomas S.Kuhn, Milton Fisk, Imre Lakatos, Stuart A.Kauffman,


[Quine, PSA 1970 – In Memory of Rudolf Carnap.