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Africa (204 items)

Barrow, Voyage dans la partie meridionale de l'Afrique

13. Barrow, John.

Voyage dans la partie meridionale de l’Afrique; fait dans les années 1797 et 1798; par John Barrow, Ex-Secretaire de Lord Macartney…Contenant des observations sur la géologie, la géographie, l’histoire naturelle de ce continent, et une esquisse du caractère physique et moral des diverses races d’habitans qui environnent l’Etablissement du Cap de Bonne-Espérance. / Accompagné: Nouveau Voyage dans la partie méridionale de l’Afrique; Où l’on examine quelle est l’importance du Cap de Bonne-Espérance pour les différentes puissances de l’Europe, considéré comme station militaire et navale; comme boulevart du commerce et de la domination des Anglais dans l’Inde; comme centre des établissemens pour la pêche de la baleine dans les mers Australes; comme acquisition territoriale, et comme entrepôt commercial en tems de paix. Accompagné d’une description statistique de la colonie rédigée sur les documens les plus hautentiques, enrichi de huit belles cartes, contenat celle de la Côte d’Afrique depuis la baie de la Table jusqu’a la baie de Saldanha, des cartes de la baie de Pletenberg, d’Algola, de Mossel et de False bay; du plan militaire de la péninsule du Cap, et de ceux de la baie de la Table et du Knisna. (2 Volumes).

First French Edition. 4 Volumes [complete set of two works with 2 Volumes each]. Paris, Dentu, 1801-1806. 35.5 cm x 55.8 cm. Collation: complete. Pagination: Volume I: XVI, 403, (1) pages / Volume II: 326, (2) pages including Errata-leaf / Volume III: X, 310 pages / Volume IV: 312 pages. Original contemporary red calf with gilt lettering and ornament to lacquer-polished-spine. The Volumes are numbered consecutively, even though these are two separate works. Excellent condition of the binding and interior of this important publication with very minor signs of foxing only ! All the maps in wonderful condition ! First french edition of “Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa” (Barrow’s journey with Lord Macartney in 1797 to the Cape of Good Hope) plus two further Volumes which describe the second journey in 1801 / 1802 to Saldanha Bay [Saldanhabaai] with an early image of Robben Island. The survey of the Dutch colonies was not only a seminal work on South Africa but the beautifully engraved, large folding map of South Africa was a turning point of african cartography and geographical illustration.

EUR 1.800,-- 

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[Luke, Manuscript letter signed (MLS) from Chief Justice of Tanganyika (1924-1929), Sir William Alison Russell

16. [Sierra Leone Content] – [Luke, Sir Harry / Lukach, Harry] Russell, Sir Alison (Chief Justice of Tanganyika).

Manuscript letter signed (MLS) from Chief Justice of Tanganyika (1924-1929), Sir William Alison Russell to Sir Harry Luke on the occasion of Luke receiving the CMG. Russel, then stationed in Dar Es Salaam for the Colonial office send him a lengthy letter with very interesting detail: ‘Dear Luke, my wife and I am delighted to see an announcement…of this high honour bestowed on you….In these days an honour of that kind is indeed an honour. Have sent your book on Mosul to Sir D. Cameron [Sir Donald Charles Cameron, GCMG KBE (3 June 1872 – 8 January 1948)] ……I am going down the Congo, I hope + out at Matadi. Leaving Kigoma at the beginning of May – it takes about six weeks from Kigoma to Antwerp….I have never been to Haarlem. I am looking forward to sailing this summer. Only my friends picked up this ‘Winnie’ last summer in a pitch night ….+ she went to pieces. But I dare say I shall get another berth in a boat. I want to go ‘foreign’ – perhaps to Spain again. I wonder if there could be a chance of seeing you next summer in England. How goes it in Sierra Leone [?]…I thought your Mosul book very interesting + so fresh……Yours sincerely A. Russell.’

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Dar Es Salaam, 24.2.1926. Octavo. 10 pages. with original envelope [Tanganyika 15 cents stamp]. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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