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Signiert (55 items)

Vaihinger, Sammlung bedeutender Ausgaben des Philosophen Hans Vaihinger

51. Vaihinger, Hans / Bode, Wilhelm / Vlach, Milo.

Sammlung bedeutender Ausgaben des Philosophen Hans Vaihinger mit signierten Widmungsexemplaren an den Wiener Philosophen und Vaihinger-Spezialisten Milo Vlach, Kunsthistoriker Wilhelm Bode, signierte Sonderdrucke, ein signierter Brief / (mit zwei Dubletten). Die Sammlung enthält die erste und dritte Auflage seines Hauptwerks sowie einen Neudruck der 9./10. Auflage von 1927: 1. Die Philosophie des Als Ob. System der theoretischen, praktischen und religiösen Fiktionen der Menschheit auf Grund eines idealistischen Positivismus. Mit einem Anhang über Kant und Nietzsche. Erste Ausgabe. XXXV,804 Seiten. Berlin, 1911. Blaues Halbleinen. / 2. Die Philosophie des Als Ob. Dritte, durchgesehene Auflage. XXXIX, 804 Seiten. Leipzig, Felix Meiner, 1918. Dekoratives Halbpergament / 3. Die Philosophie des Als Ob. Neudruck der 9./10. Auflage, 1927 (1986 Scientia). Gelbes Leinen. / 4. Der Atheismusstreit gegn die Philosophie des Als Ob und das Kantische System. Berlin, 1916. Widmung: “Überreicht vom Verfasser” / 5. Der Atheismusstreit gegn die Philosophie des Als Ob und das Kantische System. Berlin, 1916. Signiert: “Primum vivere deinde philosophari – Halle, d. 1.Juli 1921 – Vaihinger” / 6. Pessimismus und Optimismus vom Kantschen Standpunkt aus. Berlin, 1924. Widmung: “Überreicht vom Verfasser” / 7. Wie Kant beinahe geheiratet hätte – Kulturhistorische Novelle von August Stricker. Mit einem Vorwort neu herausgegeben von Hans Vaihinger. Leipzig, 1924. Widmung: “Herrn Dr.Milo Vlach in Wien mit den herzlichsten Grüssen – Halle a/S. im Jan.25 – Vaihinger” / 8. Nietzsche als Philosoph. Feldausgabe. Berlin, 1916 – Widmung: “Herrn Doktorand Miloslav Vlach in Wien mit freundlichem Gruss von H. Vaihinger” / 9. Ist die Philosophie des Als Ob Skeptizismus ? – Widmung: “Freundlichen Gruss, heute, am 100.Geburtstag von Friedrich Albert Lange, dem Vorkämpfer religiöser Selbstbehauptung – Halle, 28.IX.28 – Vaihinger” / 10. Ist die Philosophie des Als Ob Skeptizismus ? – Widmung: “Überreicht vom Verfasser” / 11. Wie die Philosophie des Als Ob entstand. Leipzig, Felix Meiner, 1921. Widmung: “Herrn Dr.Wilhelm Bode in Weimar, dem echten Vertreter der Lebenskunst Goethes, des Vorkämpfers für die ästhetische Illusionstheorie und für den religiösen Symbolismus. Zum 30. März 1922 – Vaihinger” / 12. Nietzsche als Philosoph. Langensalza, 1930. Widmung: “Herrn und Frau Obersekretär Barkhaus mit herzlichen Weihnachtswünschen, überreicht von H. Vaihinger – Halle a/S. im Dezember 1930.” / 13. Zweiseitiger Brief (Schreibmaschine) auf Vaihingers persönlichem Briefpapier, datiert Hale, 16.Dezember 1925. An einen “Herrn Stifts-Repetent Kraus” [Repetent an Vaihingers alter Schule – dem Evangelischen Stift in Tübingen.] Kraus hatte wohl eine philosophische Arbeitsgruppe von sieben Schülern und Vaihinger’s “Philosophie des Als Ob” muss Gegenstand der Arbeitsgruppe gewesen sein und Kraus hat aus diesem Grund mit Vaihinger kontakt aufgenommen. In der ausführlichen Art Vaihingers erwähnt dieser in seiner Antwort an Kraus den Einfluss von Otto Ritschl auf die Entstehung der “Philosophie des Als Ob”, er erwähnt auch Wobbermin in Göttingen und schreibt weiterhin: “als ehemaliger Stiftler betrachte ich es als eine Ehre, wenn im Stifte auch die “Philosophie des Als Ob” dadurch Anerkennung findet, dass man sich dort mit den von mir aufgeworfenen Theorien beschäftigt”.

Leipzig / Berlin / Halle etc., 1911 – 1930. Octavo. c. 2000 Seiten. Hardcover / Softcover. Die Sammlung generell in sehr gutem Zustand mit diesen Ausnahmen: Kleiner Wasserschaden an “Ist die Philosophie des Als Ob Skeptizismus ?” und “Pessimismus und Optimismus”. Eine Ausgabe des “Atheismusstreits” Papier etwas brüchig. / Anstreichungen und Anmerkungen in der Erstausgabe der “Philosophie des Als Ob”. Vorsatzblatt der Halbpergamentausgabe fehlt. Eine seltene Sammlung !!

EUR 1.800,-- 

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Viereck, Collection of Manuscript Material by the author Georg Sylvester Viereck.

52. Viereck, George Sylvester / [Frederick Franklin Schrader] / [Mentioning of Oscar Wilde / Lord Alfred Douglas].

Collection of early Manuscript Material (which is a Manuscript Ballad / Poem), a two-page Manuscript Letter (which is a MLS mentioning Oscar Wilde, Lord [Alfred] Douglas, Viereck’s literary tastes etc.) and the personal copy of “House of the Vampire”, all by the controversial german-american author George Sylvester Viereck. The collection includes: 1. One six-page, hitherto unpublished Manuscript – Ballad [Poem], called “Die Ballade vom Sündigen Glück” [Translates: “The Ballad of sinful Pleasure”]/ 2. A lengthy and extremely insightful Two-Page Manuscript Letter, signed in New York, 1902, which accompanied and talks about the enclosed Six-Page Manuscript – Ballad [The letter and Poem was not conclusively but very likely addressed by Viereck to Frederick Franklin Schrader, then editor of the New York Dramatic Mirror and shortly thereafter co-founder with George Sylvester Viereck of “The Fatherland” / 3. The collection also includes Viereck’s personal copy of his publication “The House of the Vampire” with handwritten, manuscript entry of his name, address in New York City as well as a pasted statement on the endpaper by the author Viereck: “Concerning “The House of the Vampire” : This book went through several editions when it was first published and was dramatized. It played for eight weeks in New York and for two years on the road under the management of the Shuberts. Critics have compared it to such books as Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde, Lady Into Fox, and Dorian Gray”]. The two-page letter is of great value and touches on Viereck’s admiration for Schrader and his “Blatt” [Newspaper]. Viereck is advertising himself to Schrader by introducing himself as a critical admirer with substantial references (Viereck details his working for numerous newspapers in America). Viereck mentions his secessionist tendencies and name-drops Oscar Wilde, Rosetti and Lord Douglas (whom he claims to know personally). This amazing, autographed/signed Manuscript-Material was created by Viereck directly during his transition from writer to propagandist and is an example of his early, bullish personality, which wants to be heard, which needs attention and it is here, in 1912, where his career begins to develop. This large Archive of manuscript material [8 pages in total] is stunning and unpublished (see partial Transcription of the original german material on our website). Viereck’s close friends included Nikola Tesla and even Theodore Roosevelt was among his acquaintances.

New York, Moffat, Yard & Company, 1902-1912. Play and Letters: 20.3 cm x 25.3 cm / Book: 13 cm x 19,5 cm. Pagination: Balld (Poem): 6 pages / Manuscript Letter (MLS): 2 pages / Book: 190 pages. Original Hardcover / Blue publisher’s cloth with gilt lettering on spine in protective collector’s mylar / The play protected in clear folder. The manuscript pages overall in excellent condition besides page IV of the play which has two abrasions with small parts of the text missing only. The book in excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear. Viereck’s usual vanity made him add the lovely littel note of critical success. The personal copy of this controversial author’s most interesting book is a unique possibility for each collector of unusual Vampire material. Extraordinary collection !

EUR 3.500,-- 

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Howard Zinn - Collection of important publications / working-copies from the private library of Howard Zinn

55. Zinn, Howard.

Collection of important publications / working-copies from the private library of Howard Zinn; books he privately used for his research and books that helped him in his studies of Anti-War efforts, his involvement in the Civil Rights Movement as well as his general studies of American Political History, his Political Activism and Political Criticism, his research of the United States Government and its national and international policies etc. The collection includes paperbacks and several Hardcover-publications as well. All the books are bearing Howard Zinn’s large ownership-signature to the endpaper, many have markings or/and annotations by Howard Zinn. The Collection includes: 1. Thomas D. Boettcher – Vietnam – The Valor and the Sorrow – From the home front to the front lines in words and pictures. Boston, 1985 / 2. Theodore L. Becker – Political Trials – New York, 1971 [with interesting text-markings and annotations by Howard Zinn in the chapter “The Spiegel Affair”, highlighting the name of Augstein in the “Fallex 62” Exercise – Affair, involving NATO in which “Der Speigel” reported on the mock war and Germany’s involvement through its then Defense Minister: Franz Josef Strauss” (″as defense minister, Strauss dedicated himself to equipping the German army with tactical nuclear weapons and to redefining Germany’s role in NATO” – page 9)] / 3. Michi Weglyn – “Years of Infamy” – The Untold Story of America’s Concentration Camps – New York, William Morrow and Company, 1976 [with repeated highlightings by Howard Zinn regarding “Tule Lake” and for example on page 239 that the “renunciation law would be restricted to those over seventeen years of age”] – Zinn explores here the American practice of detaining 110000 Japanese citizens in concentration camps, Zinn’s outrage is explained in several heavy textmarkings / 4. Immanuel Wallerstein – “The Modern World-System” – “Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century” – [Studies in Social Discontinuity] New York, 1974 – [With several text-markings, and detailed annotations by Howard Zinn, for example on food & luxires in feudalism etc.] / 5. Phillip Knightley – “The First Casualty” – “From the Crimea to Vietnam: The War Correspondent as Hero, Propagandist and Myth Maker” – New York, 1975 – [With some text-markings by Howard Zinn in the chapter on World War One] / 6. Charles Tilly, Louise Tilly and Richard Tilly – “The Rebellious Century (1830-1930” – Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 1980 – [With interesting markings, for example on Michael Lipsky making “a strong case that the strike movement owed what success it had (which was not enormous) to the fact that dramatic protests activated powerful third parties….” p. 294] / 7. Norman Moss – “Men who play God” – “The Story of the Hydrogen Bomb” – Baltimore, Penguin, 1971 / 8. Kenneth Bock – Human Nature and History – “A Response to Sociobiology” – New York, Columbia University Press, 1980 / 9. E.H.Dance – “History the Betrayer” – “A Study in Bias” – Westort (Connecticut), Greenwood Press, 1975 – [With a signed letter by Stephen van Evera to Howard Zinn, on “Tufts University” – Stationery, who sent him the book by EH Dance and who reflects on Zinn’s idea of “expanding the first part of your “Politics of History”, discussing more deeply the tendency of scholarship to hide in irrelevance, fail to evaluate and leave bitter disputes in the dark from fear of making enemies”] / 10. Edwin Fogelman – “Hiroshima – The Decision to use the A-Bomb” [Heavily marked by Howard Zinn in several chapters, reflecting on his detection of the american government’s policy of justifying the use of the Atomic Bomb, and highlighting especially Brigadier General Leslie Richard Groves’ information on the Manhattan Project: “As time went on, and as we poured more and more money and effort into the project, the government became increasingly committed to the ultimate use of the bomb….” / 11. Gloria Emerson – “Gaza” – “A Year in the Intifada – A Personal Account from an Occupied Land” New York, The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1991 – Inscribed and signed by the author Gloria Emerson to Howard Zinn / 12. H.G. Wells – “The Outline of History” – “Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind” – Complete in One Volume with all maps, charts, illustrations, diagrams etc. – New York, Garden City Publishing, 1930. / 13. David Hunt – Organizing for Revolution in Vietnam – Study of a Mekong Delta Province [Howard Zinn’s personal working copy with several markings within the text] – April 1974 /

Cambridge / London / and others, South End Press / Cambrigde University Press / Oxford University Press / Mouton & Co. and many others, c. 1966 – 2002. Octavo. c. 4500 pages. Original Hardcover- and Softcover – Volumes. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. Amazing and valuable collection of publications from the personal working-library of one of America’s most important and influential social critics. All books with Howard Zinn’s ownership – signature.

EUR 4.800,-- 

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