Los Siete Libros de la Diana de George de Montemajor. Où sous le nom de Bergers & Bergeres sont compris les amours des plus signalez d’Espagne. Traduicts [sic] d’Espagnol en François, & conferez és deux langues. P.S.G.P. [édition bilingue française and castellane de ‘Diana’ de Jorge de Montemajor].
[Bilingual French-Castellan / Edição bilingue castelhano-francês]. Paris, De l’imprimerie d’Anthoine du Brueil, 1613. Small Octavo. Collated complete: Engraved titlepage, [6], 347, [21] pages. [Pagecount of 347 is incorrect and should be “694”, because only every second page is imprinted with progressing numeration]. Beautiful, recent Hardcover / Modern half-leather with gilt lettering on spine and marbled, paper-covered boards. New endpapers. Bookblock and interior in very good and firm condition. Faded dampstain to some of the text only. Very rare and important renaissance-publication.
EUR 2.400,--