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Travel – Europe (58 items)

Couvée, Album mit 31 grossformatigen, originalen Photographien

1. Couvée, M. M.

19th Century Album with 31 fantastic, large vintage photographs of Germany, Austria and Italy. Many of these early photographs are on Frankfurt am Main, but also Berlin, Heidelberg and classic travel – locations along the Rhine are included / Also interspersed are some other european destinations like Lugano, Venice and Salzburg (these all in colour). – All Photographs original Albumen Prints. / Album mit 31 grossformatigen, fantastischen, originalen Photographien von deutschen und europaeischen Stadtansichten des 19. Jahrhunderts, vorwiegend Frankfurt am Main [mit traumhaften und ungewoehnlichen Ansichten von Frankfurt und Sachsenhausen / Kaiserstrasse mit Strassenbahn / Rossmarkt / Goetheplatz / Alte Oper / Palmengarten / Wiesbaden – Kursaalplatz / Eschenheimer Turm / Kaiser-Wilhelm-Denkmal / Main mit Untermainbruecke und Angler mit zwei Jungen davor / aber auch Stadtansichten von Berlin (″Blick nach den Linden” in Farbe – in colour), Lugano (in Farbe – in colour), Boppard (in Farbe – in colour), Heidelberg (in Farbe – in colour), Salzburg, Königstein im Taunus (in Farbe – in colour), Remagen (in Farbe – in colour), Coblenz, Lahneck, Sooneck, Braubach und Marxburg, Wiesbaden, Bingen und Venedig (in Farbe – in colour)/

La Haye / Dresden, Couvée / Stengel & Co., c. 1895 – 1900. Quer Quart / Oblong Quarto. 31 large photographs mounted on cardboard. Original Hardcover / Exzellente Halblederausgabe mit vergoldetem Titel auf dem Vorderdeckel. / Album with gilt lettering. Ungewoehnlich gut erhaltenes Album mit phantastischen Aufnahmen die auch das buergerliche Leben mit eingefangen haben. / Excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear.

EUR 1.280,-- 

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Alpine Chronik des Oesterreichischen Touristen-Club [Angebunden: Heinrich Kempf - Die Flora des Schneeberges in Nieder-Oesterreich (1882)]

6. Graf, Edmund.

Alpine Chronik des Oesterreichischen Touristen-Club [Angebunden: Heinrich Kempf – Die Flora des Schneeberges in Nieder-Oesterreich (1882)].

Erste Ausgabe. Sieben Jahrgaenge in 6 Baenden (Jahrgang 1886 fehlt). Wien, L.C.Zamarski – Verlag des Oesterreichischen Touristen-Club, 1880-1887. Octavo. 1880: IV, 212 Seiten / 1881: (6), 200 Seiten mit Falttafeln und angebunden 66 Seiten (Flora des Schneeberges) / Die Jahrgaenge 1882/1883 zusammen gebunden. Paginierung: Jahrgang 1882: Frontispiz (Chemitypie von Angerer und Goeschl: “Das Spronserthal”) plus 95 Seiten mit einer Falttafel “Meteorologische Beobachtungen” [Die Abbildung “Das Spronserthal” ist der Blick vom Schaermer Kreuz bei Schoena und wurde vom Verfasser mittelst Fridolin Plant’s Zeichenapparat aufgenommen [es fehlt eine Abbildung: “Bergfahrt bei Meran” die dem gleichnamigen Artikel beigebunden sein sollte] / Im Anhang des gleichen Bandes: Jahrgang 1883: Frontispiz (Chemitypie von Angerer und Goeschl: “Alttirolische Wirthschaftsgebaeude im Gebirge” Nach einer Originalzeichnung von Grasmair plus 117 Seiten und eine Tafel “Meteorologische Beobachtungen” / Jahrgang 1884: 101 Seiten plus Tafel “Meteorologische Beobachtungen” / Jahrgang 1885: 100 Seiten plus Tafel “Meteorologische Beobachtungen” / Jahrgang 1887: 136 Seiten plus Tafel “Meteorologische Beobachtungen”. Hardcover [original Verlagsleinenbaende] mit Rueckenvergoldung. Sehr guter Zustand. Alle Exemplare mit Exlibris des “Climbers’ Club” / Kleine Stempel des Central-Ausschuss des Deutschen und Oesterrreichischen Alpen-Vereins. Aus der Bibliothek des “Alpine Club”. / Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear.

EUR 350,-- 

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John - An account of the Principal Lazarettos in Europe; with various papers relative to the Plague

8. Howard, John / [Daniel Conner Library]

An account of the Principal Lazarettos in Europe; with various papers relative to the Plague: Together with further Observations on some foreign Prisons and Hospitals; and additional remarks on The Present State of those in Great Britain and Ireland. [Including chapters on English Prisons and Hospitals, Hulks [Prison-Ships] on the Thames, Remarks on the Gaol-Fever, Remarks on Penitentiary Houses, Scottish Prisons and Hospitals, Irish Prisons and Hospitals, Charter Schools in Ireland etc.]

First Edition. Warrington, Printed by William Eyres; And sold by T. Cadell, J. Johnson, C. Dilly, and J. Taylor in London, 1789. Quarto (24,5 cm x 30,5 cm). VIII, 259 pages plus 13 unnumbered pages of Index and 1 page “Directions to the Book-Binder”. Collation complete with 22 plates of which 20 are large fold-out-engravings. Hardcover / Contemporary 18th century calf with gilt lettering on spine. Stunning Volume, recently restored and rebacked by two english master-binders. Very good+ condition with only minor signs of external wear. After the restoration now a highly-desirable collectable. One of the first sociological studies of conditions within the penal system of England and Ireland compared to other 18th-century practices within European Jails / Gaols. The partly romantic engravings seem sinister when one imagines what inmates and children endured within these settings. From the library of Daniel Conner (Connerville / Manch House), with his Exlibris / Bookplate to pastedown.

EUR 2.800,-- 

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Staunton - An Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China

9. Staunton, Sir George / Lord Macartney.

An Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China [First Dublin Edition with 34 full-page-plates]; Including Cursory Observations Made, and Information Obtained, in Travelling Through That Ancient Empire, and a Small Part of Chinese Tartary. Together with a Relation of the Voyage undertaken on the Occasion by his Majesty’s Ship ‘The Lion’, and the Ship ‘Hindestan’ in the East India Company’s Service, to the Yellow Sea, and Gulf of Pekin [sic]; as well as of their return to Europe. With Notices of the several places where they stopped in their way out and home: being the Islands of Madeira, Teneriffe and St.Jago, the Port of Rio de Janeiro in South America; the Islands of St.Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Amsterdam, the Coast of Java and Sumatra, the Nanka Isles, Pulo-Condore and Cochin-China. Taken chiefly from the Papers of his Excellency, the Earl of Macartney, Knight of the Bath, his Majesty’s Embassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Emperor of China; Sir Erasmus Gower, Commander of the Expedition and other Gentlemen in the several Departments of the Embassy.

Two Volumes (complete set). Dublin, Printed for P.Wogan, R.Cross, P.Byrne and others, 1798. Octavo. Volume I: XV, 449 pages with 8 full-page plates / Volume II: XVIII, 430 pages, with 26 full-page-plates and including an Appendix. Hardcover / Original, early 19th century half leather with original spinelabels. Bindings firm and strong but rather worn. Bookplate of Richard Meade, Ballymartle, to the pastedown of Volume I. Overall in very good condition with some stronger signs of wear but with all the illustrations / engravings, called for in the Dublin Edition.

EUR 1.280,-- 

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