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Complete Catalog (8622 items)

Howard Zinn - Collection of important publications / working-copies from the private library of Howard Zinn

282. Zinn, Howard.

Collection of important publications / working-copies from the private library of Howard Zinn; books he privately used for his research and books that helped him in his studies of Anti-War efforts, his involvement in the Civil Rights Movement as well as his general studies of American Political History, his Political Activism and Political Criticism, his research of the United States Government and its national and international policies etc. The collection includes paperbacks and several Hardcover-publications as well. All the books are bearing Howard Zinn’s large ownership-signature to the endpaper, many have markings or/and annotations by Howard Zinn. The Collection includes: 1. Thomas D. Boettcher – Vietnam – The Valor and the Sorrow – From the home front to the front lines in words and pictures. Boston, 1985 / 2. Theodore L. Becker – Political Trials – New York, 1971 [with interesting text-markings and annotations by Howard Zinn in the chapter “The Spiegel Affair”, highlighting the name of Augstein in the “Fallex 62” Exercise – Affair, involving NATO in which “Der Speigel” reported on the mock war and Germany’s involvement through its then Defense Minister: Franz Josef Strauss” (″as defense minister, Strauss dedicated himself to equipping the German army with tactical nuclear weapons and to redefining Germany’s role in NATO” – page 9)] / 3. Michi Weglyn – “Years of Infamy” – The Untold Story of America’s Concentration Camps – New York, William Morrow and Company, 1976 [with repeated highlightings by Howard Zinn regarding “Tule Lake” and for example on page 239 that the “renunciation law would be restricted to those over seventeen years of age”] – Zinn explores here the American practice of detaining 110000 Japanese citizens in concentration camps, Zinn’s outrage is explained in several heavy textmarkings / 4. Immanuel Wallerstein – “The Modern World-System” – “Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century” – [Studies in Social Discontinuity] New York, 1974 – [With several text-markings, and detailed annotations by Howard Zinn, for example on food & luxires in feudalism etc.] / 5. Phillip Knightley – “The First Casualty” – “From the Crimea to Vietnam: The War Correspondent as Hero, Propagandist and Myth Maker” – New York, 1975 – [With some text-markings by Howard Zinn in the chapter on World War One] / 6. Charles Tilly, Louise Tilly and Richard Tilly – “The Rebellious Century (1830-1930” – Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 1980 – [With interesting markings, for example on Michael Lipsky making “a strong case that the strike movement owed what success it had (which was not enormous) to the fact that dramatic protests activated powerful third parties….” p. 294] / 7. Norman Moss – “Men who play God” – “The Story of the Hydrogen Bomb” – Baltimore, Penguin, 1971 / 8. Kenneth Bock – Human Nature and History – “A Response to Sociobiology” – New York, Columbia University Press, 1980 / 9. E.H.Dance – “History the Betrayer” – “A Study in Bias” – Westort (Connecticut), Greenwood Press, 1975 – [With a signed letter by Stephen van Evera to Howard Zinn, on “Tufts University” – Stationery, who sent him the book by EH Dance and who reflects on Zinn’s idea of “expanding the first part of your “Politics of History”, discussing more deeply the tendency of scholarship to hide in irrelevance, fail to evaluate and leave bitter disputes in the dark from fear of making enemies”] / 10. Edwin Fogelman – “Hiroshima – The Decision to use the A-Bomb” [Heavily marked by Howard Zinn in several chapters, reflecting on his detection of the american government’s policy of justifying the use of the Atomic Bomb, and highlighting especially Brigadier General Leslie Richard Groves’ information on the Manhattan Project: “As time went on, and as we poured more and more money and effort into the project, the government became increasingly committed to the ultimate use of the bomb….” / 11. Gloria Emerson – “Gaza” – “A Year in the Intifada – A Personal Account from an Occupied Land” New York, The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1991 – Inscribed and signed by the author Gloria Emerson to Howard Zinn / 12. H.G. Wells – “The Outline of History” – “Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind” – Complete in One Volume with all maps, charts, illustrations, diagrams etc. – New York, Garden City Publishing, 1930. / 13. David Hunt – Organizing for Revolution in Vietnam – Study of a Mekong Delta Province [Howard Zinn’s personal working copy with several markings within the text] – April 1974 /

Cambridge / London / and others, South End Press / Cambrigde University Press / Oxford University Press / Mouton & Co. and many others, c. 1966 – 2002. Octavo. c. 4500 pages. Original Hardcover- and Softcover – Volumes. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. Amazing and valuable collection of publications from the personal working-library of one of America’s most important and influential social critics. All books with Howard Zinn’s ownership – signature.

EUR 4.800,-- 

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Collection of Books, Offprints and Ephemera, rare Association - copies from the personal library of american writer, Peter Viereck

284. Viereck, Peter.

Collection of Books, Offprints and Ephemera, rare Association – copies from the personal library of american writer, Peter Viereck as well as from other famous libraries of philosophers and writers in Peter Viereck’s circle of friends. [Detailed photographs on our website under “Libraries & Collections”] – The Collection includes a wonderful association-copy between the first african american pulitzer prize-winner, poet Gwendolyn Brooks and Peter Viereck, also an interestingly inscribed association copy of Viereck’s “Conservatism Revisited”, sent to philospher and logician Willard Van Orman Quine, a signed version of Peter Viereck’s book “Shame and Glory of the Intellectuals – Babbitt Jr. vs. the Rediscovery of Values”, an inscribed book by Harry Levin to Peter Viereck, an inscribed book by Peter’s father, George Sylvester Viereck, as well as other books of interest. Also included is a larger collection of ephemeral material and offprints, listed here: 1. “Peter Viereck – Profile” – Article by E.V. Griffith in “Poetry Now”, Vol, VI, No. 2 [Issue 32] – With three excellent photographs of Viereck, shown throughout the article. Griffith discusses Viereck’s genesis as a writer, his time in Harvard and his important contribution to conservatism etc. / 2. Peter Viereck – “The Last Decade in Poetry- New Dilemmas and New Solutions” (In this 1954 – Offprint from “Literature in the Modern World”, Nashville, George Peabody College for Teachers, Viereck discusses Wallace Stevens (″Wallace Stevens’ is the sorcery of surfaces. For this he pays a price: the sacrifice of deep feeleing″and Robert Lowell) / 3. Peter Viereck – “Decorum and Terror: Homage to Goethe and Hart Crane” – Original Offprint from “Essays in Criticism”, with a manuscript correction by Viereck / 4. Peter Viereck – “New Views on Metternich” (Offprint from “The Review of Politics”) / 5. Peter Viereck – “The Rootless ‘Roots’: Defects in the New Conservatism (Original Offprint from “″The Antioch Review”, Summer 1955, issue) / 6. Galleyproof Review for NY Times Sunday Book section of Russell Kirk, by Peter Viereck – With two manuscript notes on the Galley by Peter Viereck to american philosoper and Leo Strauss admirer, Harvey Mansfield: “Harvey, many thanks for your piece on Spitzer + Auerbach which meant a lot to me (I’d known Spitzer). Warm regards to both of you – Peter” and a second manuscript entry by Viereck: “Saw Brodsky …..Finishing a new book…poems – Peter” [Mansfield and Viereck must have sent the Galley back and forth between each other]. / 7. Peter Viereck – “First Advance Reviews on “McCarthy and the Communists” by James Rorty and Moshe Decter – With a highlighting of the review-citation of Peter Viereck’s opinion “All conservative and liberals reading this irrefutable indictment of McCarthy’s methods should unite to conserve our traditional Constitutional framework against subversion by McCarthyism as well as by Communism” / 8. “Peter Viereck – A List of his principal works” / 9. Peter Viereck – “Unlaughing and Untragic” – (Original Offprint from “American Quarterly” with some markings by Viereck, ticking off each paragraph) / 9. Peter Viereck – “Reply to a critique of one of Viereck’s publications” / 10. Peter Viereck – “Ogling through Ice: The Sullen Lyricism of Georg Heym” [Original Offprint from “Books abroad”, April 1971, 11 pages – Including Peter Viereck’s Translation of Georg Heym’s poem “Letze Wache” (″Final Vigil”)] / 11. Original Book Review by Jacques Barzun of Peter Viereck’s Masterpiece: “Metapolitics – From the Romantics to Hitler” – Original Offprint from “Journal of the History of Ideas, January 1942, Vol. VIII., No.1” – Including Peter Viereck’s Reply to Barzun’s “passionate” Review, calling Viereck’s book “an ardent attempt to psycho-analyze the religion of the Nazis”. 6 pages/

Notre Dame / New York and others, 1951 – c. 1955 Octavo. Original Offprints and loose pages etc. Very good condition with some minor signs of wear only. From the library of Peter Viereck.

EUR 4.800,-- 

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Collection of Rare and Important Books, as well as original Manuscript Lecture Notes on Anton Martin Schweigaard

285. Schweigaard, Anton Martin.

Collection of Rare and Important Books, as well as original Manuscript Lecture Notes on Anton Martin Schweigaard, Norwegian educator, Jurist, Economist, Legal Philosopher and Member of the Norwegian Parliament. The collection includes also portraits and a rare photograph of Julius Middelthun’s Statue of Schweigaard, taken shortly after its erection at the original location. The rare lecture notes, possibly taken by a close student of Schweigaard and the wonderful manuscript – typography – print by Cappellen, are the highlights opf this collection [Many Images of each item on our website under “Libraries & Collections”]. The collection includes: 1. Schweigaard, Anton Martin. Forelæsninger over den norske Proces. 1ste Deel & 2den Deel. [plus: 12te Afsnit: “Den Domme” (″The Judge”)]. Original First Edition, directly printed from the Manuscript. Three Parts in Two Volumes (complete set). Christiania [Oslo], J.W.Cappellen [Jørgen Wright Cappelen], 1844. / 2. Schweigaard, Anton Martin. Forelæsninger over Processen Foredragen af Professor Schweigaard [Original Manuscript of a student from Schweigaard, taking notes in Schweigaard’s Seminars and Lectures]. [Christiania (Oslo)], no year (c. 1840). Octavo (18 cm x 17,5 cm). c. 400 pages with handwritten notes in Ink. / 3. [Schweigaard, Anton Martin] Aubert, L.M.B. Anton Martin Schweigaards Barndom og Ungdom, 1808-1835: Breve og Erindringer. [Letters in norwegian (″Trine”) and german (″Til Pastor Koeppen”). With an Appendix with 10 chapters / Med Bilag – Including explanatory sections on Schweigaard’s earliest publications, like for example: “De la Philosophie Allemande”, etc.] / [Oslo], Mallings Boghandels Forlag, 1883. / 4. [Schweigaard, Anton Martin] Lund, Carl. A.M.Schweigaard – Som Stortingspolitiker. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1958. Octavo. Frontispiece – Portrait of Schweigaard, 398 pages with Index. / 5. [Schweigaard, Anton Martin] Hertzberg, Ebbe. Professor Schweigaard I Hans Offentlige Virksomhed (1832 – 1870). Af Ebbe Hertzberg. Kristiania / [Christiania] / [Oslo], Forlagt af Alb. Cammermeyer, 1883. / 6. [Schweigaard, Anton Martin] / P.Gemzøe lith. / E.Bærentzen. Portrait of norwegian educator, jurist, economist and politician, Anton Martin Schweigaard. Original Lithograph / Lithographic portrait by P.Gemzøe. Christiania [Oslo], Chr. Tønsberg, 1877. 17 cm x 26 cm. / 7. [Schweigaard, Anton Martin] / Middelthun, Julius Olavus. Original Photograph / Vintage Albumen Print from c. 1885 / 1890, of the recently erected Statue / Sculpture [Bronze] of norwegian educator, jurist, economist and politician, Anton Martin Schweigaard. The rare photograph shows the statue at its original location, with locals walking in front. The sculptor of Schweigaard’s Statue was norwegian sculptor and educator Julius Olavus Middelthun, who taught among others, Edvard Munch at the Royal Drawing School in Christiania (Tegneskolen i Kristiania). Christiania [Oslo], [Middelthun], c.1885 – 1890. 8 cm x 5,7 cm. The rare, original photograph comes from a french travellers album and is in excellent condition. / 8. Schweigaard, Anton Martin / Blom, G. P. / Fougner, G. / Thorne, Joh. F. / Leganger, Fred. Betænkning og Udkast til en Lov om Handelen, Forfattet af den under 28de August 1838 til dette Arbeide anordnede Commission [Med Anhang: Forste Anhang: “Udsigt over den Norske Handelsret / Andet Anhang: “Finants-Departements af den Norske Rejerings ovrige Medlemmer i det Vaesentlige tiltraadte Indstilling angaaende en provisorisk Anordning om storre Handelsfrihed i visse Egne af Riget m.v.”]. Christiania [Oslo], Trykt i Johan Dahls Bogtrykkerie af Carl C. Werner, 1841. Octavo (12 cm x 18,5 cm). 108, 218 pages. //

Christiania [Oslo], J.W.Cappellen / Johan Dahl / Chr. Tønsberg and others, c. 1840 – 1877. Octavo. c. 2000 pages. Hardcover and Softcover Volumes. Overall excellent condition of this wonderful compilation. The price for the collection includes free shipping interntionally per UPS Express.

EUR 4.800,-- 

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Simon Patrick, A Commentary upon the Historical Books of the Old Testament

287. [Provenance: Daniel Conner of Manch House-Library (Dunmanway, County Cork)] – Patrick, Symon [Simon Patrick, Late Lord Bishop of Ely] / Whitby, Daniel / Lowth, William / Arnald, Richard / Johannes Millii.

“A Commentary upon the Historical Books of the Old Testament, Viz. Genesis – Exodus – Leviticus – Numbers – Deuteronomy – Joshua – Judges – Ruth – I. Samuel – II. Samuel – I. Kings – II. Kings – I. Chronicles – II. Chronicles – Ezra – Nehemiah – Esther. In Two Volumes. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Dr. Symon Patrick, Late Lord Bishop of Ely. The Sixth Edition Corrected. To wich is added a compleat Alphabetical Table.” / Plus: [Volume III: “The Books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon, Paraphrased: With Arguments to each Chapter, and Annotations thereupon”. / Plus: [Volume IV: “A Commentary upon the Three Lesser Prophets: Being a Continuation of Bishop [Symon] Patrick by William Lowth, B.D. Prebendary of Winchester”]. / Plus: [[Volume V and Volume VI ]″A Paraphrase and Commentary on the New Testament. In Two Volumes. The First, containing The Four Gospels and the Acts of the Holy Apostles. The Second, All the Epistles, with a Discourse of the Millenium. To which are added, A Chronology of the New Testament, a Map and Alphabetical Table of all the Places mentioned in the Gospels, Acts, or the Epistles. With Tables of the Matters contained and of the Words and Phrases explained throughout the whole Work; and the Examen Millii. By Daniel Whitby, D.D. Late Chantor of the Church of Sarum. The Seventh Edition, carefully revised and corrected from the many Errors of the former Impressions”. Including: “An Appendix to Chapter XL, containing “A Discourse of the Calling of the Jews to the Christian Faith” – Including: “A Treatise of the True Millenium: shewing that it is not a Reign of Persons raised from the Dead but of the Church. Flourishing gloriously for a Thousand Years after the Conversion of the Jews, and the Flowing-in of all Nations to them thus converted to the Christian Faith” / Including: “An Index of the Greek Words and Phrases explained in this Commentary”, including “Examen Variantium Lectionum Johannis Millii in Novum Testamentum” (Editio quarta priori Emendatior. London, 1740). / Plus: [Volume VII] “A Critical Commentary upon the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon; Being a Continuation of Bishop [Symon] Patrick and Mr.[William] Lowth. By Richard Arnald, B.D. Rector of Thurcaston in Leicestershire”. / Including: [Volume VIII]: “A Critical Commentary upon the Book of the Wisdom of Jesus, the Son of Sirach. Being a Continuation of Bishop [Symon] Patrick and Mr.[William] Lowth”./ Including: [Volume IX]: “A Critical Commentary upon the Books of Tobit, Judith, Baruch, The History of Susanna, and Bel and the Dragon: To which are added, two Dissertations on The Book of Maccabees and Esdras. Being a Continuation of Bishop [Symon] Patrick and Mr.[William] Lowth”. By Richard Arnald.//

Set of Nine Volumes (bound in Seven). London, Printed for A. Millar, J.Beecroft, W.Strahan, J.Hinton etc. / And for the Richard Arnald publication: “Printed for the Author” by W.Bowyer, 1744-1765. Folio (24,5 cm x 36 cm). Volume I: Portrait-Frontispiece of Symonis Patrick by Godfrey Kneller & Gerard Vandergucht, [2], 908 pages / Volume II: [2], 755 pages plus 28 unnumbered pages of an Alphabetical Index / Volume III: [6], 544 pages / [Volume IV]: [2], IV, 540 pages including an Index. / [Volume V (Being Volume I of Daniel Whitby’s “Paraphrase”: [2], L, 736, [5], pages / [Volume VI (Being Volume II of Daniel Whitby’s “Paraphrase”: [4], XXXIV, 854 pages / [Volume VII (Being the “Critical Commentary of the Book of The Wisdom of Solomon” by Richard Arnald): [1], XXXII, 148 pages / [Volume VIII: (Being the “Critical Commentary upon the Book of the Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach”): IX, [7], IV, 248 pages / [Volume IX: (Being “A Critical Commentary upon the Books of Tobit Judith etc.”)XII, 128 pages.// Recently rebound set in Hardcover (Modern cloth and one modern half leather). All Volumes in protective Collector’s Mylar and with new endpapers and new spine-labels. Excellent condition with some minor signs of wear only. The Interior in very good, rather excellent condition with only some very few sections with some browning. The paper-quality of this set is magnificent ! From the library of Daniel Conner (Connerville / Manch House), with his name and date of his studies in Oxford on all titlepages. A very rare set of the important Commentary by Symon Patrick, Bishop of Ely. With all the original illustrations by Gerard Vandergucht. The set includes the continuations of Simon Patrick’s works by William Lowth, Daniel Whitby and Richard Arnald. Please see the numerous, detailed photographs for this set on our website. The price includes worldwide free shipping per Courier (UPS Express Saver).

EUR 4.800,-- 

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Moshamm, Franz Xaver / Louis-Guillaume Otto, comte de Mosloy - Europäisches Gesandschaftsrecht.

288. [Otto, Louis-Guillaume, Comte de Mosley] Moshamm, Franz Xaver von [d.i. Franz Xaver von Moshammer, Ritter von Mosham].

Europäisches Gesandschaftsrecht [European Law for Emissaries / Ambassadors / Minister Plenipotentiary / Histoire du Droit de Corps Diplomatique Européennes] / [Provenience: From the library of Germano-French Diplomat, Louis-Guillaume Otto, comte de Mosloy, with his Exlibris / Bookplate].

Landshut, Franz Seraph Hagen, 1805. Octavo. [2], VIII, 467 Seiten. Hardcover / Dekoratives Maroquin des frühen 19.Jahrhunderts, mit floraler Rückenvergoldung. Wunderbare Ausgabe in sehr guter Erhaltung mit nur geringen Gebrauchsspuren. Ehemaliges Exemplar aus der Bibliothek der ‘Académie Diplomatique Internationale’ in Paris. Durchgehend stockfleckig. Von grosser Seltenheit und mit sehr interessanter Provenienz. Das Buch stammt aus der Privatbibliothek des französischen Diplomaten, Louis-Guillaume Otto, Comte de Mosloy, Schüler des bedeutenden Rechtslehrer’s Christoph Wilhelm Koch (1737-1813), der als der letzte Rechtslehrer der alten Straßburger Hochschule gilt. Louis-Guillaume Otto wird in biographischen Quellen als Deutsch-Franzoesischer Diplomat benannt und hat sich zur Zeit der Publikation des vorliegenden Werks von Moshammer, am Bayrischen Hofe in Muenchen als Gesandter Napoleon’s befunden, wo Otto’s Wirken grossen Eindruck auf Napoleon ausuebte und zu seiner Befoerderung und spaeteren Berufung als Botschafter Frankreich’s am Wiener Hof (1810) fuehrte. In Wien erlangte Otto grosse Bedeutung fuer Napoleon indem er fuer Ihn die Hochzeit mit Marie-Louise von Österreich verhandelte. Historisch belegt ist auch Otto’s Bekanntschaft mit Metternich, welcher ebenfalls Schüler von Christoph Wilhelm Koch war. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist die Ausgabe des hier vorliegenden Gesandtschaftsrechts von grosser historischer Bedeutung, da Provenienz und Funktion des Buchtitels nicht nur im direkten Zusammenhang mit der juristischen Ausbildung von Otto und Moshamm sondern auch mit Otto’s Berufung als Gesandter, Diplomat und Botschafter unter Napoleon in Verbindung steht.

EUR 4.800,-- 

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Meister, Ausstellung - Gedichte von Ernst Meister [Originalausgabe

289. Meister, Ernst.

Ausstellung – Gedichte von Ernst Meister [Originalausgabe / wahrscheinlich das originale Korrekturexemplar des Autors oder Verlags].

Erste Ausgabe. Marburg, Verlag Marburger Flugblätter, 1932. Oktav. 64 Seiten. Original Softcover (cremefarbene Englisch-Broschur mit roter Betitelung). Der Buchblock minimal von der Broschur gelöst. Sonst in sehr gutem Zustand, mit Merkmalen eines Korrekturexemplars: Der obere Schnitt etwas uneben, einige Seiten mit handschriftlicher, zusätzlicher Numerierung (und auch Anmerkung) die eine andere Paginierungsfolge oder Reihenfolge der Gedichte suggeriert. Einige Textstellen mit handschriftlicher Änderung einzelner Buchstaben. Kurze Widmung auf dem Vorsatzblatt: “f. Ulla” (nicht verifizierbar ob von Meister). Das Gedicht “Der Gebückte” mit einer handschriftlichen Anmerkung die eine eventuelle, dreimalige Wiederholung des ersten Teiles (‘Er geht’) mit zwei Fragezeichen erwägt. Sehr seltene, erste Veröffentlichung von Ernst Meister. Der Fund dieser Ausgabe ist eine kleine Sensation da Ernst Meister die Auflage persönlich vernichtete nachdem der Verlag Ihm die Bücher zurückgesendet hatte. Seine Ehefrau Else Meister rettete, laut einigen Quellen, nur einige wenige Exemplare aus der Mülltonne. / Als Zugabe zu der Ausgabe liegt dem Band eine Sammlung von sehr seltenen “Mitteilung[en] für Freunde” bei. Ernst Meister hat diese “Im Handsatz als Manuskript gedruckt”. Beiliegen No.2 – 6 der Mitteilungen”. Diese sind signiert mit dem Namenszug “Ernst Meister” versehen und der Jahreszahl der Herausgabe auf der Titelbroschur.

EUR 4.800,-- 

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