Svenska Turistföreningens Årsskrift. [Nature perception and tourist life / Tourism and its Influence on Environment and many other topics on Ecology, Nature, Climate and Environmental Impacts in Sweden].
43 volumes. Stockholm, Wahlström & Widstrand, 1889, 1891-2, 1893-1914, 1916-1923, 1929-1940. 14.5 cm x 21.5 cm. Circa 17,500 pages. (1889) 256 pages; (1891-2) 403 pages; (1893) 304 pages; (1894-5) 169 pages;(1894) 387 pages; (1895) 474 pages; (1896) 309 pages; (1897) 368 pages; (1898) 444 pages; (1899) 443 pages; (1900) 422 pages; (1901) 461 pages; (1902) 447 pages; (1903) 447 pages; (1904) 463 pages; (1905) 439 pages; (1906) 402 pages; (1907) 446 pages; (1908) 438 pages; (1909) 493 pages; (1910) 462 pages; (1911) 415 pages; (1912) 407 pages; (1913) 404 pages; (1914) 441 pages; (1916) 450 pages; (1917) 382 pages; (1918) 381 pages; (1919) 341 pages; (1920-21) 783 pages; (1922) 397 pages; (1923) 398 pages; (1929) 354 pages; (1930) 366 pages; (1931) 366 pages; (1932) 376 pages; (1933) 387 pages; (1934) 407 pages; (1935) 438 pages; (1936) 395 pages; (1938) 399 pages; (1939) 383 pages; (1940) 395 pages. Numerous monochrome photographs throughout. 32 volumes in original Hardcover [Excellent, contemporary library Buckram with gilt lettering on spine]. Gilt embossment of Alpine Club Insignia on spine / Also: 12 of the volumes are original Softcovers with decoratively illustrated wrappers. Gilt top edge to the Volume covering the year 1900. Very good condition generally with only minor signs of external wear. Hardcovers- Externally, very smart with occasional very minor rubbing to the head and tail. Text block with dust-toned edges. Interior crisp and sharp cornered for the most part. Occasional foxing and some tanning throughout. Interiors unmarked. Volume for 1894-5 shows significant darkening to interior. Volumes for 1907 and 1917 show damp staining and damage to interior. Softcovers – Externally, very smart with occasional very minor rubbing to the head and tail and to corners. Interiors clean and bright. 1929 Volume, open tear to top corner of front board. Volumes for 1935 and 1937 show slight tears to spine but binding still firm and strong. Volume for1937 has detached front board and loose leaves near front. Former library copies – volumes carry subtle stamp of the Alpine Club on the preliminary pages.
Includes, for example, the following: Tillbaka öfver högfjällen (‘Back over the mountains’) ! af Hugo Samzelius (1891-92) / Till fjälls på en vecka, (‘a week spent in the mountains) af G. Gerhard Magnusson (1900) / Sol och sommarglädje bland Lapplands fjäll (‘summer fun in the Lapland mountains’). Af Gerda Niemann (1904) / Under de nu snart förflutna tjugu åren har Föreningen oaflåtligt arbetat på förverkligandet af sin stora uppgift att företrädesvis bland Sveriges egna söner och döttrar sprida en allt djupare kännedom om fosterlandets natur och folk, historia och kultur, och vackert kan I sanning det resultat kallas, som hittills uppnåtts. (For the past twenty years, the Association has worked tirelessly on the realization of its great task of spreading, among Sweden’s own sons and daughters, an increasingly deeper knowledge of the nature and people of the motherland , history and culture, and beautifully what results can be called, which so far achieved.) (1904) / En fjälltur om sommaren (‘a summer in the mountains’), af Karl Erik Forsslund (1908) / Sägen, historia och folklynne vid Skellefteälfvens strand (’ The story, history and popular mood at the Skellefte River) af Ellen Vleugel (1911)/ Bland täppor och stugor (‘Among carpets and cottages’) av Sven H. Hallquist (1916) / Lund genom nio sekler (‘Lund through nine centuries’) av Ewert Wrangel (1919) / Naturuppfattning och turistliv (‘Nature perception and tourist life’) av Bengt Hillman (1923) / I sveriges yngsta bygder (‘In Sweden’s youngest countryside’) av Carl Fries (1929) / Resa genom Halland i rummet och tiden (‘Travel through Halland in space and time’) av Fredrik Böök (1933) / De sju bröderna. Ur en dalsländsk bondesläkts historia (‘The seven brothers. From a valley farm’s family history’) Ivan Oljelund (1936) / En svensk industriell storbygd (‘A Swedish industrial metropolis’) Torsten Hèrnod (1939) / Portaler, torn och triumfbågar (‘Portals, towers and arches’) av Johnny Roosval (1940)
An impressive – albeit incomplete – run of ‘Svenska Turistföreningens Årsskrift,’ the Swedish Tourist Association’s annual publication. The Association was founded in 1885 by geologists and outdoor enthusiasts such as Fredrik Svenonius with the purpose of “promoting Swedish tourism and spreading awareness of the country and people.” The Swedish Tourist Association’s motto is “Känn ditt land!” (″Know your country”). The first edition of the ‘Svenska Turistföreningens Årsskrift’ was published in 1886. It was published as a biannual for the first three years and as a yearly journal thereafter.
The journals were in keeping with the Association’s creed of advocating exploring one’s physical and cultural surroundings – with an emphasis towards the mountains and to the North and Lapland. The combination of physical exercise with the experience of nature would help nourish one’s understanding of the history of the place and affinity with one’s tradition and cultural surroundings. The periodical capture the nascent era of mass tourism, cultural consumerism, and outdoor lifestyles amid the flowering of Swedish nationalism.
The advertising styles and product placements give the modern reader a good viewing window over the changes to Swedish society and consumerism throughout the period covered by the collection.
The softcover illustrated boards are beautiful examples of modernist early 20th century artwork.
The roll-call of the journal’s editors illustrate the intellectualism underpinning the promotion of the outdoor life.
Fredrik Svenonius (1852-1928) was a leading geologist.
Mauritz Boheman (1858-1908) was an academic liguistic.
Richard Melander (1857-1922) was a military officer, translator, journalist and author, some of whose works were translated into English.
Gustaf Ruben Gustafsson Berg (1876-1948) was a literary historian and linguist. He was one of the founders of the Swedish Literature Society.
Ezaline Boheman (1863-1939) was a witer, journalist and advocate for female suffrage.
Carl Fries (1895-1982) was a zoologist and voluminous author. Between 1937 and 1953 he was the first curator of the Nordic Museum, the Swedish cultural history museum in Stockholm.
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