Amsterdam in Beeld. [From the library of Frederic Zelnik] Met 613 Afbeeldingen.
Zesde Vermeerdere Druk. Amsterdam, Scheltema & Holkema, (ca.1925). 4°. VIII, 372 pages with 613 photographs of Old Amsterdam, prior to the second world war. Original illustrated Hardcover. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. Hinge slightly shaky. From the library of Frederic Zelnik / Friedrich Zelnik. Inscribed to Frederic Zelnik by one of his silent cinema actresses, Emma Morel, during the filing of “Vadertje Langbeen”, based on a Novel from Jean Webster and adapted fror the screen by Rudolph Bernauer, the film was made by Zelnik and filmed in Amsterdam. Emma Mourel was one of the stars of the Movie and inscribed the book to Zelnik: “Van ouren voorbeeldigen Regisseur den Heer Friedrich Zelnik, her herinnering van Amsterdam Augustus 1938. Voor alle….Gross-aufnahmen !! Met reeht-hartelycken dank en auf Wiedersehen von Emma Morel”.
Frederic Zelnik (17 May 1885 – 29 November 1950) was one of the most important producers-directors of the German silent cinema. He also appeared on screen as an actor.
Friedrich Zelnik was born in a Jewish family in Czernowitz, today in Ukraine, at the time the capital of the Duchy of Bukovina in the Austrian part of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Czernowitz has been then largely populated by Jews and has been after Wilno the most an important city for the Jewish culture in Eastern Europe. After the studies in Vienna, Friedrich Zelnik worked as an actor in theaters in Nürnberg, Aachen, Worms, Prague and finally Berlin – in the theaters Theater an der Königsgrätzer Straße, Berliner Theater, Komödienhaus.
In 1914 Friedrich Zelnik began acting in films, and after 1915 producing and directing movies while still appearing in roles as an actor in other director’s films. In 1918 he married a young Polish ballet dancer turned film actress named Lya Mara and promoted her to stardom by producing and directing movies for her. In 1920 he established a film production firm Zelnik-Mara-Film GmbH.
Popular, operetta style costume films like The Blue Danube, The Bohemian Dancer, Dancing Vienna, Mariett Dances Today brought Lya Mara and Zelnik enormous success in Germany and beyond. Several of his collaborators, such as cameraman Frederik Fuglsang and production designer André Andrejew are perceived today as important artists of the German silent cinema.
Upon the introduction of sound film, Friedrich Zelnik became the first director in Europe to postsynchronize a movie, The Crimson Circle (1929), using the DeForest Phonofilm sound-on-film process. In 1930, Zelnik travelled to Hollywood, California and upon his return directed his first full sound film, a new version of his silent success The Bohemian Dancer.
After Hitler took power in 1933, Zelnik and Lya Mara left Germany for London. In the following years, Zelnik continued to direct and produce movies in Great Britain and The Netherlands. He also changed his name to Frederic Zelnik and took British citizenship.
Friederich Zelnik died in 1950 in London. (Wikipedia)
Emma Morel (Bonn, June 1, 1883 — Amsterdam, February 21, 1957) was a German-born Dutch film actress.
Morel obtained her diploma cum laude in 1901 from the Toneelschool in Amsterdam. At the age of 18 she successively joined the Koninklijke Vereniging het Nederlands Tooneel, followed by the Gezelschap Rika Hopper and the Schouwtooneel of Herman Heijermans. She ended up on stage at the Amsterdamse Schouwburg for over 25 years before finally retiring. She immortalized herself with appearances in the films Pygmalion (1937) as Mrs. van Deudem and Vadertje Langbeen (1938) as Mrs. Higgins.
Morel married doctor K. Pelger in 1914. She passed away at the age of 73; her remains were exhibited for a day in the Amsterdamse Schouwburg. In recent years, the Emma Morel Fund was established, a fund that provides a prize to the best graduating student at the Kleinkunstacademie. (wikipedia)
Emma Morel (Bonn, 1 juni 1883 — Amsterdam, 21 februari 1957) was een in Duitsland geboren Nederlandse filmactrice.
Morel behaalde in 1901 haar diploma cum laude aan de Toneelschool te Amsterdam. Ze sloot zich achtereenvolgens op 18-jarige leeftijd aan bij de Koninklijke Vereniging het Nederlands Tooneel, gevolgd door het Gezelschap Rika Hopper en het Schouwtooneel van Herman Heijermans. Ze heeft uiteindelijk meer dan 25 jaar op de planken gestaan bij de Amsterdamse Schouwburg, voordat ze uiteindelijk pensioneerde. Ze vereeuwigde zichzelf met optredens in de films Pygmalion (1937) als Mevrouw van Deudem en Vadertje Langbeen (1938) als Mevrouw Higgins.
Morel trad in 1914 in het huwelijk met arts K. Pelger. Ze overleed op 73-jarige leeftijd; haar stoffelijk overschot is een dag in de Amsterdamse Schouwburg tentoongesteld geweest. In recente jaren is de Emma Morel Fonds opgericht, een fonds die een prijs aan de beste eindexamenstudent van de Kleinkunstacademie bewerkstelligt. (Wikipedia)
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