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Coke, La Neufme Part [1613 - First Edition] / [et La Dixme Part - 1629 - ] / [et

Coke, Sir Edward.

La Neufme Part [1613 – First Edition] / [et La Dixme Part – 1629 – ] / [et La Unzme Part – 1631] des Reports de Sr. Edw. Coke Chivalier, chiefe Justice del Banke : des divers Resolutions & Jugements donez sur solennes arguments & avec grand deliberation & conference des tresreverend Juges & Sages de la Ley, se cases en Ley queux ne fueront unques resolus ou adivges par devant : Et les raisons & causes des dits Resolutions & Jugements. Publie en la dixiesme [et unziesme / et troisiesme] an de treshaut & tresillustre Jaques Roy Dengleterre, France, & Ireland, & Escosse le 46. Le founteyne de toute Pietie & Justice, & la vie de la Ley.

Three Volumes in One. [London], [A. Islip], Printed for the Societie of Stationers [Neufme Part et Dixme Part] / Printed by the Assignes of John More, Esquire [Unzme Part], 1613 / 1629 / 1631. Quarto (19.5 cm x 27.5 cm). Collation complete: La Neufme Part: [34], 286, [1 unnumbered] pages / La Dixme Part: [54], 291 pages / La Unzme Part: [10], 100 pages. Original 17th century full leather on five raised bands with modern spinelabel and new endpapers. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. Minor damage to upper spine and a very minor sign of a faded dampstain to small region of the upper bookblock. Interior beautiful and clean with all three titlepages intact. Extremely beautiful condition of this early set of three Volumes of Coke’s Reports. This is the french edition of Coke’s Reports with all three prefaces in English and Latin, the main text is in ‘Law-French’ and Latin. Contemporary manuscript-signature/entry of the preowner, one “Lionel Holle”.

[Reference: A.W. Pollard & G.R. Redgrave – A Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland and Ireland 1475-1640 also called ‘S.T.C.’ – See S.T.C. No. 5515 for the Ninth Part of the Reports, printed in 1613 / See S.T.C. No. 5520 – for the Tenth Part of the Reports, printed in 1629 / See S.T.C. 5524 for the Eleventh Part of the Reports, printed in 1631 by John More]

A selection of comments on these three Volumes are referenced in Steve Sheppard’s ‘The Selected Writings of Sir Edward Coke’:
In part 9 of the Reports, Coke deals with ‘another wide-ranging series of topics, including cases in property, criminal law, delivery of an instrument, copyhold, ravishment of a ward, libel, trespass, debt, trusts, leases, and procedure. A large number of these cases were decided in the Court of Wards’ [Sheppard] – Included are for example: In Proemio The Book called The Mirror of Justices / The Laws warranted by holy Scripture / Why they be called the Common Laws Counsels general or Parliaments / The High Court of Parliament / The Court of Chancery / Of Jurisdiction. The Kings Bench / The Court of Common Pleas / The Court of Exchequer / The Office of Justices in Eire / De Views of Frankpledges / Court Baron and Hundred Court / Court of Pipowders / Court of Admiralty / Courts of the Forest / Of the Prerogatives of the King: As of Deodands, Alienation to Aliens, Treasure found, Wreck, Waif, Estray, Chattels of Felons and Fugitives, Counties, Honors, Hundreds, Sokes, Gaols, Forests, chief Cities, chief Ports of the Sea / William Aldred’s Case / John Lamb’s Case / MacKalley’s Case (In the killing of the Sergeant of London) /

In part 10 of the Reports, Coke ‘covers a wide range of issues, with a number of cases dealing with a corporation’s powers and liabilities; the power of particular courts; as well as more issues dealing with estates, leases, and inheritance’ [Sheppard].
Included are for example: Le Case de Sutton’s Hospital / Mary Portington’s Case / Jenning’s Case / Lampet’s Case / Case of the University of Oxford / Bishop of Salisbury’s Case / Whistler’s Case / Case of the Court of Marshlesa / Leonard Lovie’s Case / Dr. Leifield’s Case / Seymor’s Case / Beaufage’s Case / Denbawd’s Case / Lofield versus Clun / Legate’s Case / Pilfold versus Cheyney / Mayor de Linn’s Case / Read versus Redman / The Case of the Isle of Ely /

In part 11 of the Reports, Coke included for example: The Case of the Lord LaWare / Auditor Curles Case, resolved in the 7th. year of the most happy Reign of King James / Sir John Heydon’s Case / The Case of Priddle and Napper / Doctor Graunts Case / The Case of Sir Henry Nevil / Doctor Ayrayes Case / Henry Harpurs Case / Henry Pigots Case / The Case of Alexander Poulter / Richard Lifords Case / The Case of the Tailleurs of Ipswich, a necessary Case for Poor Tradesmen, that many times are by Ordinances made by Incorporations, (whereby the Publick Good is pretended, and Private Respects intended) barred or hindred of the Freedom of their Trade / Edward Savels Case / the Case of Magdalen-Colledge in Cambridge challenge the next place, which tendeth to the maintenance of Gods true Religion, the advancement of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the supportation of the Ecclesiastical State, the preservation and prosperity of those two famous Sisters, the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, and of all the Colledges within the [388] Realm, and the establishment of Hospitals, and provisions for the Poor, adjudged Paschae 13 Jacobi Regis / The Case of Monopolies cannot come out of time, wherein divers things concerning Monopolies, are clearly resolved, and worthy to be published / The Earl of Devonshires Case / etc.

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Sir Edward Coke – Reports
Sir Edward Coke – Reports
Sir Edward Coke – Reports
Sir Edward Coke – Reports
Sir Edward Coke – Reports
Sir Edward Coke – Reports
Sir Edward Coke – Reports
Sir Edward Coke – Reports