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[Selden, An Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government

[Selden, John] / Bacon, Nathaniel.

An Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England – From the First Times to the End of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. [With a special chapter, prefixed to the second part of the publication: “A Vindication of the Antient Way of Parliaments in England”]. With a Vindication of the Antient Way of Parliaments in England. Collected from some Manuscript Notes of John Selden, Esq. The Fifth Edition: Corrected and Improved by a Gentleman of the Middle-Temple.

Two Parts in One Volume (complete). London, Printed for D.Browne and A.Millar, in the Strand, 1760. Large – Quarto (24,5 cm x 29,5 cm). Part One: XIX, (1), 203 pages / Part Two: XII, 178, (plus 8 unnumbered pages Index). Hardcover / Stunning, recent masterbinding with quarter – leather over buckram-covered-boards; original spine-label applied. Excellent condition with text being especially clean and in wonderful condition. Rare and important publication on british law and parliamentary history. From the library of Daniel Conner (Connerville / Manch House), with his Exlibris / Bookplate to pastedown.

Includes for example in the first part: Of the Britons and their Government / Concerning the Conversion of the Britons unto the Faith / Of the entry of the Romans into Britain and the State thereof during their continuance / Of the entry of the Saxons and their manner of Government / Of Austin’s coming to the Saxons in England and his Entertainment and Work / Of the imbodying of Prelacy into the Government of the Kingdom / Of Metropolitans in the Saxons time / Of the Saxon Bishops / Of the Saxon Presbyters / Of inferior Church Officers amongst the Saxons / Of the several Precincts of Jurisdictions of Church-Governors amongst the Saxons / A brief Censure of the Saxon Prelatical of Church Government / Of the Saxons Commonwealth and the Government thereof, and first of the King / Of the Saxon Nobility / Of the Freemen amongst the Saxons / Of the Villains amongst the Saxons / Of the Grand Council amongst the Saxons called the Micklemote / Of the Council of Lords / Of the manner of the Saxon Government in the time of War / Of the Government of the Saxon Kingdom in the times of peace; and first of the division of the Kingdom into Shires and their Officers / Of the County-court and Sheriff’s Torn / Of the division of the County into Hundreds and the Officers and Court thereunto belonging / Of the division of the Hundreds into Decennaries / Of Franchises and first of the Church-franchise / Of the second Franchise called the Marches / Of county Palatines / Of Franchises of the Person / Of Mannors / Of Courts incident and united unto Mannors / Of Townships and their Markets / Of the Forests [Forest] / Concerning Judges in Courts of Justice / Of the proceedings in Judicature by Indicment, Appeal, Presentment and Action / Of the several manners of extraordinary trial by Torture, Ordeal, Compurgators and Battle / Of the ordinary manner of Trial amongst the Saxons by Inquest / Of passing Judgement and Execution / Of the penal laws amongst the Saxons / An Epilogue to the Saxons Government / Of the Norman Entrance / Of the Title of the Norman Kings to the English Crown; that it was by election / That the Government of the Normans proceeded upon the Saxon principles and first of Parliaments / Of the Immunities of the Saxon Freemen under the Norman Government / Recollection of certain Norman Laws concerning the Crown / Of the like Laws that concern common Interest of Goods / Of Laws that concern common Interest of Lands / Of diverse Laws made concerning the execution of Justice / Of the Militia during the Norman time / That the entry of the Normans into this Government could not be by Conquest / Of the Government during the Reigns of Stephen, Henry the Second, Richard the First and John; and of their Titles to the Crown and Disposition in Government / Of the state of the Nobility in England from the Conquest and during the Reigns of these several Kings / Of the English Commonalty and their Judges / Of the condition of the Nobility of England till the time of Edward the Third / Of the state of the English Clergy until the time of Edward the Third – and herein concerning the Statutes of Circumspecte agatis, Articuli Cleri, and of General Councils and National Synods / Of the condition of Freemen of England and the Grand Charter and several Statutes concerning the same, during the Reigns of these Kings / Of Courts and their proceedings / Of Coroners, Sheriffs and Crown-Pleas / Of the Militia during these Kings Reigns / Of the Peace /

Includes for example in the second part: The sum of the several Reigns of Edward the Third and Richard the Second / The state of the King and Parliament, in relation of him to it and of it to him / Of the Privy Council and the condition of the Lords / Of the Chancery / Of the Admiral’s Court / Concerning Trade / Of Treason and Legiance, with some considerations concerning Calvin’s Case / Of Courts for Cases criminal, with their Laws / Of the course of Civil Justice during these times / Of the Militia in these Times / Of the Peace / Of the Custos or Protector Regni / Of the Courts of Common-pleas and Common Law / Of Justices and Laws concerning the Peace / Of the Militia during these Times / A short Survey of the Reigns of Edward the Fourth, Edward the Fifth and Richard the Third / Of the Government in Relation to the Parliament / Of the condition of the Clergy / Of the Condition of the Crown / A short sum of the Reigns of Henry the Seventh and Henry the Eighth / Of the Power of the Clergy in the Convocation / Of the power of the Clergy in their ordinary Jurisdiction / Of Judicature / Of the Militia / Of the Peace / Of the general Government of Edward the Sixth, Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth / Of the supreme Power during these times / Of the power of the Parliament during these times / Of the Jurisdiction Ecclesiastical during these last times / Of the Militia during these later times /

EUR 1.880,-- 

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Selden / Bacon – An Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England
Selden / Bacon – An Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England
Selden / Bacon – An Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England
Selden / Bacon – An Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England
Selden / Bacon – An Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England
Selden / Bacon – An Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England
Selden / Bacon – An Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England
Selden / Bacon – An Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England
Selden / Bacon – An Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England
Selden / Bacon – An Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England
Selden / Bacon – An Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England